Name; Sloane As a young pup she was the first in her litter to open her eyes and taste blood. Sloane means ‘warrior princess or warrior woman” depending on the language. Her three other siblings bonded closely with the humans at the “Animal Research Center” she was at. Due to her hostile nature and keen ability to asses her opponent during mock battle tests she was named Sloane. Canis lupus bernardi Bernards Wolf Due to its colder climates this canine usually was a grey or white. Rank; Subspecies of Canis Lupis Height; 1.2m (4 ft) Length; 1.8m (6 ft) Weight; 27.3 kg- 50 kg (60-110lbs) Age; 6 winters Appearance; She has a long coat about 8 - 15cm (4- 7 inches) her paws, muzzle and back legs are a dark charcoal. Sloane has a light grey line going all the way down her spine and covering her tail. With a slender frame 36.3 kg (80 lbs), as is common with the females of her kind, she has a long bushy tail. Often her tail fur drags on the ground when she walks. She has a broad face and long muzzle and large ears that perk straight up like a German Shepard Her sides, belly and chest are a pure white. A genetic defect from the breeding at the facility causes her eyes to be a bright aqua blue. Gender; Female Faction; Unaffiliated Nomad Personality; Sloane has a very easygoing personality, very difficult to rile up but is prone to keeping grudges. Most of the time she prefers the company of other wolves or Kira, a large bird of prey that she has known since puppyhood. Usually very friendly to other predators Sloane sometimes travels with a pack for safety but often leaves quickly due to the oppressive commands of the alpha. As the definition of a free spirit she despises being caged, in any way shape or form. Using her brain to solve things is one of her favorite pastimes. With Kira’s help and her naturally inquisitive mind they can figure out ways to trap large animals quickly without so much risk of injury. Background; As the strongest in her litter she was trained from an early age by humans to hunt and survive. Her natural aggression served a purpose and had the humans not gone extinct they would have used her as a Beta test. To see how well wolves can survive in the wild being born in captivity. When she was 3 years of age she finally figured out how to open the lock of her cage. Wasting no time she left immediately running from security guards trying to take her back to her cage. Escaping through a small hole in the fence (as she was much smaller at the time) Sloane came across Kira. The bird, at the time, had just finished learning to fly. Unbeknownst to Kira, a large fox stalked her from the underbrush. Sloane barked a warning as the creature pounced. Together, Kira attacked from the air and Sloane from the ground the fox was chased off. This happened multiple times from different large animals that eventually the two decided to stick together.