[@BrassOtter] !!!!! Oh wow golly! I'm glad you think so. ;_; [sub]( And he tries... oh my god, do I try! )[/sub] And sure, go for it! Your first social link will probably be the Fool, but who knows. There's so many possibilities like, jeepers. [sub]Also, you really only need to be nice to Charon a whole once to get his social link so uh. It's almost like a freebie honestly.[/sub] [img]http://puu.sh/o8IJ1/54eeeb4375.gif[/img] OKAY SO. Since no one has stepped forth yet in wanting that last hit in, I'm gonna go ahead and draft that dead Cerberus post now. I know that [@BrassOtter] said they'd be out of range during the... *checks my PMS* ... April 12-14? Yah. So if we don't get into Carmen's dungeon by then I suppose we'll have a brief intermission! Which is fine by me because April 13th and 14th are when Homestuck is ending and I will be bingereading the end and sobbing grossly for the rest of my life. Some more intermission dates to note.... [@Undinebutt] and I will probably not be posting from April 26-29th... BECAUSE WE'RE GOING TO BE ON VACATION TOGETHER!!! :DDDDD And having fun. AT A WATERPARK!!!!