Before slinking back into the forest, Tajjus had planted one of his nicer-smelling odors within the room, tossing the source lightly towards the she-elf, before sinking back. If all went well, the elf would be easy to smell, since she would have the essence of very distinct smelling trees. Maybe she would notice, maybe she wouldn’t. Tajjus hence slunk back towards his own perch, his prey was resting, so he would as well. - Kili arose from his own slumbering, stretching slightly, as he got to his feet, dusting the hey off of his body. Lucky him, there weren’t many fleas in the hey. A pleasant scent filled his nostrils, as he glanced to Maleficent in silent morning greeting. He picked his bow and quiver of arrows off the ground next to the hey-pile, slnging both over his back. Other dwarves were awakened, and he was glad to see this. Yesterday had been a long andn dreary day. He again looked to Maleficent. “Now…How shall we introduce you?”