[center][color=DeepSkyBlue][img]http://i.imgur.com/EnIfiN8.gif[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/qe59A6K.gif[/img] [img]http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o620/Vicier/Vicier%20-%20Through%20The%20Pages%20Roleplay/Main%20Character%20Gifs%20-%20Vicier/Elsa%20-%20Gif%2001_zpsqdu7mztn.gif[/img] [h3][i][b]~General Information~[/b][/i][/h3] [b]Name (Earth):[/b] Eliza Brie. [b]Other Names (Fairy Tale World):[/b] Snow Princess/ Queen, Fanndís (Meaning Snow-Goddess). [b]Real Name (Fairy Tale World):[/b] Elsá Drífta Bryndís; Princess of Arendelle. [b]Occupation (Earth):[/b] Rising Pro-Snowboarder; Instructor at the Ski Lodge. [b]Occupation (Fairy Tale World):[/b] Princess; Future Queen of Arendelle. [b]Place Of Origin:[/b] Arendelle; Fairy Tale World. [b]Age:[/b] Nineteen. [b]Affiliation (Earth):[/b] Neutral Good (Presently). [b]Affiliation (Fairy Tale World):[/b] True Neutral (Presently). Neutral Good (Presently) - [i]* A neutral good character does the best that a good person can do. She is devoted to helping others. She works with Kings and Magistrates, but does not feel beholden to them. Neutral good is the best alignment you can be because it means doing what is good without bias for or against order.[/i] True Neutral (Presently) - [i]* A neutral character does what seems to be a good idea. She doesn’t feel strongly one way or the other when it comes to good vs. evil or law vs. chaos. Most neutral characters exhibit a lack of conviction or bias rather than a commitment to neutrality. Such a character thinks of good as better than evil-after all, she would rather have good neighbours and rulers than evil ones. Still, she’s not personally committed to upholding good in any abstract or universal way. Some neutral characters, on the other hand, commit themselves philosophically to neutrality. They see good, evil, law, and chaos as prejudices and dangerous extremes. They advocate the middle way of neutrality as the best, most balanced road in the long run. Neutral is the best alignment you can be because it means you act naturally, without prejudice or compulsion.[/i] [b]Appearance - Thirteen Years Ago (Six Years Old):[/b] [img]http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o620/Vicier/Vicier%20-%20OUAT%20RP%20-%20Characters/elsa-young_zps96779572.png[/img] [b]Appearance - Earth (Nineteen Years Old):[/b] [img]http://hdwallpaperbackgrounds.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Julianne-Hough-Beautiful-Smile-Wallpapers.jpg[/img] [b]Wardrobe Style (Fairy Tale World):[/b] [i]Earth (Presently) -[/i] Brought into a loving home by the man who adopted her as his own daughter, Elsa sense of style has been shown to be more quiet and reserved than most others who tend to cross her path; her wardrobe filled with various numbers of items which the young woman is able to use for a many different occasion, whether its just a night out at the movies with her friends ([url=http://fashionfair.co/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/cute-winter-fashion-tumblr-with-cute-winter-fashion-tumblr.jpg]Winter Outfit #01[/url], [url=http://data3.whicdn.com/images/45771164/large.jpg]Winter Outfit #02[/url], [url=http://media.tumblr.com/b5c80dd1e7dabf9252160c92a0e259ba/tumblr_inline_n21bdoDBof1sb6zm4.jpg]Winter Outfit #03[/url], [url=http://maworksstudio.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/cute-casual-dress-tumblr-3tavxkoc.jpg]Winter Outfit #04[/url], [url=http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lg4ui5Af681qcao59o1_500.jpg]Winter Outfit #05[/url]), training for a competition or teaching snowboarding to guests at her father's ski lodge ([url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/88/6f/c6/886fc620d1d9d58d5e9813d2c2efb1c8.jpg]Snowboarding Outfit #01[/url], [url=http://data3.whicdn.com/images/16745898/large.png]Snowboarding Outfit #02[/url], [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/18/98/64/189864282458e65b3fbaa2e40418d6ef.jpg]Snowboarding Outfit #03[/url]), or even just attending one of the events her father gives her responsibility over organizing such as the snow-fest celebrations ([url=http://i01.i.aliimg.com/wsphoto/v0/629314255_1/Straps-Empire-Light-Sky-Blue-Ball-Gown-Tulle-Prom-dress-Wedding-dress-Ceremony-Pageant-gowns-Custom_50x50.jpg]Formal Outfit #01[/url])- and while it is shown that she rarely ever gets affected by the cold, the young woman is particularly attached to her [url=http://maworksstudio.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/winter-clothes-tumblr-7znmrj14.png]over-sized white sweater[/url], [url=http://fashionfair.co/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/cold-winter-fashion-tumblr-with-winter-leg-warmers-tumblr.jpg]leg warmers[/url], [url=http://61.media.tumblr.com/28cd423834ed57119613d9d809810da5/tumblr_o1o7xe5A8k1qbi967o1_500.jpg]finger-less gloves[/url], and [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/a3/09/fb/a309fba12fe699e64f7442a56ddd4a3a.jpg]slouch beanie[/url]. [h3][i][b]~Relationship Information~[/b][/i][/h3] [b]Relationship Status:[/b] Single. [b]Partner:[/b] None. [b]Father:[/b] King Agnarr Bryndís (Presumed Deceased). [b]Mother:[/b] Queen Gerda Iduna Bryndís (Presumed Deceased). [b]Siblings:[/b] Anna Bryndís. [b]Pet/s:[/b] Although Elsa personally doesn’t own any pets, she has a strong love and affection towards both Owls and Foxes. [b]Other:[/b] Kaiden Brie (Adopted Father - Earth). [hider=Detailed Relationship Information] -TBW- [/hider] [h3][i][b]~Personal Information~[/b][/i][/h3] [b]Personality:[/b] Seen by all those who know her to be a very sweet, charming and exceedingly graceful young woman; Elsa is shown to be an quietly confident, kind-hearted and well-presented Princess, able to speak eloquently and pleasantly with all those who wish to hold a conversation with her or who wish to get to know her- helping her to create strong bonds with people that she cares about, that are tremendously hard to break. The beautiful young lady demonstrating great grace and poise when handling potentially awkward situations, doing her best to avoid ways in which might embarrass those she cares about; the Princess able to hold herself in a way in which she is able to hide both her nerves and uncomfortableness, especially when in difficult circumstances that may impact both her, or anyone else that she holds dear to her heart. Trying her very best and doing all it is that she can to keep quite a close eye, and feeling a very strong sense of responsibility for Anna; Elsa is often seen to be excessively protective over her younger sister at times, the two of them seeming to share such a strong sibling bond with one another that it oftentimes leaves others questioning the secrets to their parent’s success in creating a harmonious family environment. Nowhere near a stereotypical quiet, retiring Princess; the young woman is more times than not found out on the slopes of her adopted father’s ski-resort, carving up the freshly lain snow and leaving her mark upon the mountains- or sitting upon the stairs of the porch, seeming to lose herself in her thoughts as she takes her time watching while the fresh layer of snow gently falls to the ground around her. On occasion showing an absolute sweet sense of sensitivity when in social situations, Elsa does all that she can to include everyone around her, trying her best to make sure that they are all at ease in situations that may arise around them; the young woman unafraid to show her disapproval to those who treat others unkindly, showing that she is both reasonable and fair, and that she believes that everyone should be treated equal, no matter what their title might be. Also known to demonstrate an intensely fierce intelligence, and a high degree of personal insight; she is able to recognize when another person’s opinions and thoughts are valued more than anyone else’s, even when the person themselves is unwilling to admit it- her own apparent wish to find someone to truly love her kept locked within her heart as she put everyone else that she cared about first, and before herself. Known on the rare occasion to show a more timid and cautious side whenever her nerves seem to get the better of her, Elsa does seem to become quite frightened and upset at times, causing for her emotions to boil over and slip out from her control, leaving her quite vulnerable and finding it hard, and sometimes almost impossible for her to express any of her true feelings to those she would normally seek out for comfort. However, an extremely resourceful and brave young woman, Elsa continuously shows that she is both quick-witted and clever, able to gain a laugh from those she holds dear to her heart while still managing to maintain the warm glow that seems to surround her very being; the Princess’ strong sense of compassion and thoughtfulness towards others shown clear within her actions, exceedingly so when it seems that her own guilt towards a situation has taken over her mind- the teenager appearing to have remained both a kind and gracious Princess throughout her time on earth. [b]Strengths:[/b] Exceedingly intelligent and an incredibly fast learner when the situation calls for her to be; Elsa is able to quickly pick up on things that she is being taught, or that she believes that she should be paying attention to, even despite having no formal training beforehand- the only exception to this being the level of control that she has over her powers; however with enough patience and practice she is able to use her powers confidently whenever she is in the safety of her isolation where she knows that she won’t hurt those that she cares about. Also an extremely competitive athlete; Elsa is both not only physically formidable, but also a force to be reckoned with when it comes to athletic ability- the young woman pushing herself to the limits and containing enough discipline and endurance to run exceedingly long distances in most types of weather; however it is shown that she excels when it comes to the cold, and wintery-type conditions. Known to have stated that she isn’t particularly bothered by the cold; Elsa’s powers have indicated to afford her resistance to frigid air; allowing the young woman to rush about in weather ranging from a simple, light snow-storm, to a raging blizzard without exhibiting any signs of discomfort- the young woman also taking note in the fact that unlike others around her, her breath doesn’t seem to end up condensing in cold climates; a further indication of her affinity to the cold. Possessing a slight degree of artistic skill when it comes to adding a flourish to not only to her own life, but the lives of all those around her; Elsa repeatedly shows off her talents by adding her own personal touch to almost everything that she does, whether it be organizing an event at her adoptive father’s ski-lodge, or letting herself go and seeing what she can actually do with her powers- the young woman always seeming to find a way to incorporate her love of winter; favoring simple but elegant snowflake designs. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Though well-known for being a rather calm, quite level-headed and surprisingly cheerful young lady; once losing control or allowing her emotions to get of her, Elsa tends to have an extremely hard time regaining her normal composure and elegance, oftentimes causing her to shut herself away in her room, or to slip away into the snow-covered mountains by her families lodge for hours on end until she herself feels as though she is ready to return- the young woman having on few occasions needed someone to pursue and talk her back down from her slight depression induced isolation. Found both scared and huddled together in the snow by their adopted father; Elsa has always felt a strong sense responsibility, and a protective instinct over her younger sister, Anna- the young woman willing to anything she to keep her smiling, and to do all that she can to prevent her from being hurt by anyone, including herself. [b]Magic Capabilities:[/b] Brought into the world with the ancient gift and ability to both produce, and manipulate all forms of snow, frost and ice; Elsa has always been capable of reaching great feats when it comes to wielding her magical abilities- even as a young girl, the small child was capable and powerful enough of freezing the entire floor of the great hall in her families castle, with just the touch of her foot; along with being able to produce enough snow to make large snowy hills, that both her and her younger sister, Anna would spend hours upon hours playing in and sliding down. However when approached in confidence by none other than the King and Queen of Arendelle- it was noted by a dear friend to her parent’s that her powers, over time, would only continue to grow in power as she got older; his early warning that fear would be her downfall causing the worry of becoming a monster, and of hurting more people that she cared about to grow and fester within her mind, leaving her extremely and emotionally vulnerable. Despite having no formal training beforehand, or any others who fully understand the exact gravity of her powers; Elsa is able to use her abilities to perform a wide variety of techniques, such as the rapid creation of ice structures like sheets, spikes, and walls- she is also able to use her magic to not only propel herself across an icy surface, but to also to create snow creatures which she is able to imbue with life, enabling them to move of their own accord; this particular ability of life however can either manifest itself consciously, or involuntarily- her powers also seeming to extend out to the manipulation of all winter weather, allowing her to be able to generate something as simple as a small snow cloud or flurry to help those around her stay cool, to something grander and more dangerous such as a full blown blizzard with extremely powerful gusts of wind. However the most unfortunate of circumstances arise whenever someone is struck down by her magic, her abilities leading to adverse effects; even though she doesn’t intend to harm or for her abilities to do so- a simple blow to the heart with her magic quickly beginning a process that seems to force the one stuck into becoming an ice statue; the resulting statue made of such compact ice that it is not able to just resist the blow from a well-made sword, but also has the strength to shatter the blade in question- the ice also being extremely cold enough to cause blades to frost over prior to the actual impact of the steel upon the figure. * Perhaps the most notable and interesting aspect however of Elsa’s powers is their dependence on her emotional state at the time- whenever she is exceedingly calm, happy, or feels a sense of love within herself and those surrounding her, she seems to have a complete control over her abilities, and is capable of producing feats of beautiful magic; however, whenever she is feeling exceptionally nervous, sad, agitated or feels a sense of fear, her powers grow considerably unstable, and in turn can become extremely dangerous to those who are around her. Despite her instability; Elsa’s powers are especially potent whenever she feels fear, causing her to act and use her powers almost on pure survival instinct- her abilities seeming to rage so far out of control that, even when restrained, she has the capability of not only creating massive snowstorms, but threatening all lands with a cruel and harsh eternal winter; however, when calmed down, and once more feeling the love that those who care about her give her, she is strong enough to completely reverse the effects of her winter spell, bringing back the warmer weather in mere moments alone. [b]Weapons:[/b] Due to growing up on Earth under the influence of her adopted father, Elsa does not possess, nor feel the need to use weapons of any kind. [b]Brief Biography (Life In The Fairy Tale World):[/b] Born into a loving and caring family, and brought up under the gentle care of her parents King Agnarr and Queen Gerda of Arendelle; Elsa quickly realized at a young age that she held the ancient ability to control and manipulate both ice and snow in any form, and oftentimes used her unique powers to play with her younger sister, Anna- the young Princess sharing a close bond with her free-spirited sister, until a tragic accident befell the two children, causing her to pull away and shut herself in the isolated solitude of her room. Growing terrified of what it was that she was truly capable of doing to those that she cared about, Elsa hid herself away from the rest of the world, trying her hardest to gain control over her powers by keeping them out of sight, and out of mind so as not to cause and spread fear throughout her parent’s Kingdom. Doing all that she could to get through each and every day without so much as an incident, Elsa could often be found hauled up, and barricaded away in her bedchamber; though whenever she felt more at peace with the world and who she truly is, the young Princess would allow herself to let go of her fears, even if for a moment so that she could test her powers before the gravity of her gift and what it was capable of once more weighed back down upon her shoulders- her own personal fear of her powers and becoming a monster growing strong, and festering within the young child, causing her to believe that no one, not even her own sister, is able to help her. Fearing the evil that had begun to spread out and hunt down the different Royal families, King Agnarr and Queen Gerda quickly made the tough decision to send their two daughters away, praying that one day the two of them would be able to once again return to their homeland, and become the loving family they once were. [b]Brief Biography (Life On Earth):[/b] Found huddled together in the snow together with her sister, in a world that the two of them knew nothing about; Elsa along with her younger sister, Anna, were quickly taken in by the owner of the local ski-resort- neither of the children seeming to have any sort of recollection of anything in their life before that ever faithful night. Now a beautiful and confident young nineteen year old, known as Eliza Brie, and feeling more at home in the snow and cold than ever before; Elsa has used her upbringing on the slopes to her advantage- the young teenage snowboarder working hard to push herself past her limits so that she can be the best that she can be; competing in competitions and training for the biggest opportunity of her life, becoming a pro-snowboarder. However, whenever she isn’t training for a chance at the life of her dreams, Elsa does all that she can to help out at her father’s ski-lodge; teaching beginner classes, and organizing activities and parties for all those who stay and work at the lodge- both staff and members. [h3][i][b]~Other Information~[/b][/i][/h3] [b]Other:[/b] Extremely strange even for someone who was born in the Fairy Tale World, Elsa has an exceedingly unique birthmark on the back of her right thigh; the birthmark itself being in the shape of [url=http://marfapublicradio.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/snowflake.jpg]a beautiful snowflake[/url]. [h3][i][b]~Theme Song~[/b][/i][/h3] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7ulArWYOGI]"She’s So Gone" By Lemonade Mouth.[/url] [img]http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o620/Vicier/Vicier%20-%20Through%20The%20Pages%20Roleplay/Main%20Character%20Gifs%20-%20Vicier/Elsa%20-%20Gif%2002_zpsj4omrp1r.gif[/img] [/color] [/center]