[color=7da7db][h3]Varrus Volkanon[/h3][/color] Varrus shook his head, unable to hide the disappointment now shown on his face as he his gaze focused on the female who had spoken out. He noticed from the start she was built and equipped for combat, but seeing her squirm about the darkness set a foul taste in his mouth. Still, it was refreshing to see the others rallying behind the idea with much less apprehension. Still, he'd be lying if he said he wasn't somewhat off put by the idea himself... '[i]Intentionally leaving us with only one source of light and then stripping that from us not a moment after our first steps,[/i]' Varrus gritted his teeth behind his stoic visage, '[i]Someone wants to play games...[/i]' With that, he turned and continued back towards the torches once more. Once the object came within reach, he place himself beside one on the wall as he lifted it from it's holding, gripping it with one hand as he looked to the others. "[color=7ea7d8]Granted the poem didn't mention any specific order or means to dim these lights, I'd suggest we snuff them out as close to one another as we can. Keep within arms reach of the pedestal, and don't hesitate to call out if something draws your attention.[/color]"