[center][h3][color=0072bc]Ulrich Halechstin[/color][/h3][/center] Ulrich couldn't contribute much really but he did listen in on their brainstorming. He was pretty much amazed by how they were able to figure it out that quickly. They might be wrong though but it seems they were keen on putting out their only source of light. The idea of having no light was quite familiar to him as he travelled in the dead of night without a single light source before, courtesy of their village. He quickly took out his tome from his bag to prepare himself. Who knows what might happen in the dark. And lightning should make fire right? He looked at Varrus and then nodded. He waited for further orders from them as it seems they were the ones who would be leading this group. He kept his senses alert. He then placed himself behind the nobles and would slowly follow them from behind, as if he was in charge of watching the rear part of the group.