[i]Imagine a world, mere inches from our own. Those mere inches may not seem like much, but in reality they can cause great changes between those worlds. That is the kind of world we find here today. Humans here are mere myth, child stories persay. But they are much more. There rarely comes a time where this world, inhabited by nothing other than Pokemon, comes into such a great peril that a human must be brought here to quell it. It is a tough endeavor, nonetheless, and many have failed in this quest, and new humans were chosen. Those who succeeded often stayed in this world, but eventually vanished from public eye, leaving more humans to be chosen yet again. But sometimes, the danger is more than only humans can handle...[/i] [h3][color=007236]Tranquil Forest, Just Outside Valiant Village[/color][/h3] It's late at night, most Pokemon would be asleep by then. That's why it was the perfect time for the troublesome twosome sneaking out of their rooms to not get caught. It was a beautiful, cloudless, star-filled night out that night, and they weren't going to spend it in some stuffy old room at their dad's guild. They were sneaking out to their favorite place, a clearing in the center of Tranquil Forest. [color=7ea7d8]"Why don't we take a shortcut? I've never gone this way before."[/color] Said Lulu, easily distinguished by the red bow around her ear. Her brother, much more cautious, advised against the idea. [color=0072bc]"We should stick to our usual path, sis. Who knows how safe that path is..."[/color] Lulu easily passed off her brothers warning. [color=7ea7d8]"Where's your sense of adventure? You have to take some risks to find out what lies ahead. Come on..."[/color] She proceeded to jump onto a low hanging branch on a tree that was rooted in a deep crevice below. [color=7ea7d8]"See? It's perfectly fine!"[/color] Rico was still not convinced. [color=0072bc]"How about this, you take your 'shortcut', and I'll take the normal route. I'll meet you at the clearing."[/color] Lulu saw there was no convincing her brother to follow her this time, and merely nodded and took off from branch to branch until she fell out of sight of Rico. Meanwhile, Rico quickly traversed the well-worn path and arrived at the clearing fairly quickly. He laid down on the soft grass and watched the glittering stars above him. A few minutes passed, and he noticed Lulu hadn't gotten there yet. [color=0072bc]"I bet she got lost... just great..."[/color] Then he felt it, something changed in the atmosphere. It's that kind of feeling you subconsciously get when one of your family is in trouble. He rushed to where he believed the end of the crevice was, and saw no sign of his sister. Throwing all caution to the wind, he began jumping from branch to branch, looking for any sign of his twin. About halfway through he guessed, he noticed a spot where it appeared a branch had broken loose from the tree. He looked down, hoping it wasn't what he thought it was, but it was. His sister was at the bottom of the crevice, and she wasn't moving... [color=0072bc]"Lulu! Lulu, can you hear me?"[/color] Cried out Rico, but got no response. Carefully he climbed down the tree, leaping from branch to branch, until finally landing on the ground. He looked over his sister carefully, he was scared out of his mind that she was... then she moved a little. Phew, she wasn't gone at least, but she was hurt bad. He thought about leaving to go find help, but he wouldn't dare leave his sister like that. He cried out, realizing that he was too far away from the Village for anyone to hear. But he kept crying anyways. [color=0072bc]"Someone! Please help!"[/color]