[b][color=6ecff6]Aria[/color][/b] [hr] Aria had been a little quiet, trying not to let her disappointment about nothing working to restore her size bring the others down. It was kind of nice just having someone to carry her around and teleporting was pretty much the coolest thing she had experienced for sure and probably wasn't a pleasure most got to be a part of or even witness but that didn't change how she felt. She listened as Skylar read the mysterious note, not having much time to think on the matter before a flash of light blinded her and caused her to blink a bit. She had no idea what just happened but suddenly she felt different in many many uncomfortable ways. Instantly she noticed that she was big again but she felt different in a completely terrifying way, she wasn't breathing and didn't feel a need too. It caused her to stiffen a bit and felt nervous to even see what she had ended up as but her eyes shot instantly to what was now her hand as she heard her own voice speak asking who was holding them whoever was now in her body and by her guess she was thinking Chen. Aria felt the raw power that was Sans and was a bit leery on trying to fiddle with it even to talk but she had no other choice. The now skeleton opened her mouth a few times with nothing happening as she tried to attempt to make it work when she finally managed to after a couple of tries. [color=6ecff6]"The person who's body you are now inhabiting."[/color] she answered. This was just wrong in so many ways. She wanted to be big again but losing her skin and organs to do so and turning male was not what she had in mind while praying. [b][color=gold]Flowey[/color][/b] [hr] Flowey's nerves had been grated on and grated on. The only pleasant thing so fair was that Celes seemed to love watering him or giving him attention which he wasn't going to turn away if he could somehow manage to use her. That dumb skeleton was just getting in his way! What did he have to do to get rid of this bane on his existence?!! He just rolled his eyes at Papyrus's speech on what EXACTLY he had done to be forced in this pot but that was a story he didn't need to hear again and tuned it out. It wasn't until the flash of light that he brought his attention back from his thoughts only to bust up laughing at all the idiots. This was definitely an improvement if he ever saw one.[color=gold]"Well, isn't this just delightful. You all have never been more entertaining."[/color] Flowey stated before turning to look at however was now holding him.[color=gold]"So, who is my new guard dog for the moment hm?"[/color]