Tyler shoved the last bit of his burger into his mouth, chewing and swallowing it nearly whole. He coughed, and chased it down with a huge gulp of water from his canteen. he then got up, thumping his chest to clear it, "A few hours huh? Well I'll get those magazines finished up. Two each for the next operation. Everyone can give them a try. I don't want to be the only one blowing foot deep holes through solid cover." He headed back into the Gunshop, and pulled a few of the other smiths over to help him. Showing them how he was doing it. Wildcat rounds being rather easy to make, once you know how anyway. That would keep him busy until such time as the briefing was called. And the order to get things ready to either go on standby or kit up and head out was given. As he worked he started to murmur to himself a story it sounded like, "So up north you know, way above 60 degrees. There's this college anthropologist going out into the North Lands, wanting to see if he can get any stories out of the old men and women. All those old trappers right? The guys and gals who still live off the land. Trap for a living, scoring pelts and meat. Anyway this college fellow gets a hold of a trapper named Bill. He's got a friend, called Ol' Huck who lives way up there. Out in a cabin he made all his own...." He keeps on yattering telling this story to anyone who would listen. Working on. Even after that joke story finished he had another one. As some of the other smiths laughed at the last one, Tyler is throwing himself into another one. It's part of his charm.