[h2][color=darkturquoise]Devon the Totodile[/color][/h2] [h3][color=forestgreen]Tranquil Forest crevice[/color] [/h3] The Totodile put a claw to his chin as the clearly terrified voice echoed out from below him. [color=darkturquoise][i]Nope....He doesn't sound familiar.... I don't think he's one of the people I was with before....Doesn't matter much now. They still need help, and from the looks of it, I'm the only guy they got.[/i][/color] Finally, the blue reptile replied to the scared Riolu's questions. [color=darkturquoise]"Uh...This is gonna sound weird, but I don't actually know [i]who[/i] I am. All that I know is that I'm a Totodile, and I'm up here above ya on this cliff. But don't worry! I'll try to find a way to get down there to help you guys! Hang on!"[/color] As soon as he said that, the Big Jaw Pokémon looked around and unfortunately spotted no way down into the deep hole....Except for a bunch of twisted trees growing out of cracks in the rock. The Totodile's brown eyes locked onto a wide branch that extended across the width of the crevice a few feet down, and seemed to provide a way down via its ridged trunk. The tree only had the one fat branch however, as all the ones below were much tinier and most likely would break with a little weight. The miniscule blue Pokémon blinked a bit as he slowly shuffled towards the branch. [color=darkturquoise][i]Well, if I'm gonna break my neck, might as well do it trying to save these guys.[/i][/color] Carefully the reptilian would step out onto the fat branch. Yelping as he nearly slipped off of it, but thankfully fell forward onto the branch still clinging to it. His claws dug into the bark deeply as he let out a nervous laugh. [color=darkturquoise]"Ooook. Almost fell there, but I'm good! I'll be down in a sec..."[/color] The Totodile slinked along the branch on his stomach, pulling himself forward with his arms and snout squished into the wood. After a minute of agonizing crawling, he made it to the trunk of the tree. Gazing down he could spot only one branch below him that might take his weight. Key word being 'might'. [color=darkturquoise][i]Oh crap...Here we go...[/i][/color] With a deep breath, the Water-type reeled back, and flung himself towards the branch deep in the crevice stomach first. He landed on the thing with a loud snap, and soon the weak branch broke completely to make the poor reptile plummet to the earth. A shrill scream could be heard for two full seconds until the Totodile landed at the bottom of the crevice with a loud thud. A groan could be heard as the little blue Mon lifted his bruised snout up from the floor to stare at the Riolu sibling standing over his sister a couple feet away from where he lay. A pained toothy grin came up on the lizards face. [color=darkturquoise]"I made it, and I'm not dead, so that's a plus."[/color] The Totodile stood up completely and rubbed the end of his nose as he wandered over beside the two Riolu and looked over them. His dark brown eyes focusing on the female twin as his face drooped in a concerned frown.[color=darkturquoise]"How's your sister? She still breathing?"[/color] [@Shiny Keldeo]