This is there soecies. I'm typing the character sheet to put it in an organized format for this website. But again, this is the race specific traits of this char, since they are a custom alien oc. [hider=What are energy beings] Energy Beings are inteligent, self sustained, biological electromagnetic anomalies, much unlike traditional biological carbon and nitrogen based life found on earth. Energy Beings are made of core crystals, which shape their skeleton into about that of a cat, a man, or a dragon, with restrictions based on age (example: younger energy beings may have a human and Cat or sometimes rabbit form, whereas adults have open range, and elderly often lack a cat or rabbit form). Energy Beings have fewer bones, for energy beings have little mass and weigh practically nothing. The crystals project a magnetic field that makes an energy beings body. The field can Take 3 shapes: a cat, a human, or a dragon, which It advances through during stages of their lives, as danger becomes more present. Starting at the core, all energy beings have a core crystal, which can control electrons, interacts with most matter, and grows skeletal crystals and exoskeleton crystals at often alarming lack of a brain or nervous system, energy beings have a core crystal which controls its motions until damadged. The core crystal processes light which passes through the creature's body, allowing the eye-less beings to see from all angles, and even around corners, so long as light can travel for him. This sensitivity though good for hunting, makes them vulnerable to methods such as flashbangs which both blind and disoriented energy beings at close range. Their core crystals can also grow 2 types of other crystals. The first type of crystals is a highly magnetic carbon based crystal that composes most of the "skeleton,"(ribs, 4 limbs, the jaw portion of the skull, the lower half of the spines which extend from the ribs out into the tails) which produces a self sustaining field, not inhibited by other fields given off by stars or machines and the likes. This works because carbon is not magnetic. Instead, it refracts electrons within from the core crystal, which each have their own magnetic attraction. The electrons which are mass-less create and compose the field to such a degree that physical objects are stopped in the field in most cases. The kinetic energy from physical strikes, as well as the electrons given off during high energy emission attacks can shake and force electrons from the field, thus weakening energy beings until they collect more energy. The second type of crystal the core crystal of an energy being can grow is a highly transparent orange crystal, which only grows around and energy beings head usually, called the energy crystal. It is not uncommon for this crystal to merge with the skeletal crystal forming deadly electrified horns of dense hard to break carbon based crystals. These horns are a sign of age, as they take some time to develope, usually in the tens of thousands of years spanning an energy beings life. The second energy crystals are especially usefully for catching electrons given off by radiations, light, and magic even which is then redirected safely to the core crystal after some processing, though they are vulnerable to kinetic force and can shatter. When shattered, the spray of electrons spans about 30 feet of range from the ear where it is lethal to humans, via electronic barage. For another 30 ft out, the radiation will kill within a month as well as mutate the specimen with energy being like traits. In rare occassions, this radiation mutated the victim into the energy being they killed, reincarnation the seemingly deceased energy being, who fuses the body of their host into a new smaller crystal. This is one of an energy beings 3 methods of reproduction. Energy beings, being composed primarily of electrons are (at full health) impervious to acids, thermal attacks, electrical attacks, most radiation, and they have a high tolerance to a physical beating. After electrons are shaken from their field, the crystals are vulnerable to kinetic force, though they resist cutting well. The crystals once exposed also hold a high tolerance to acid, though they can be broken down by stronger acids than stomache acid. Energy beings can use electrons from their body to fuel attacks without need to sustain any type of charge, though obviously at the sacrifice of their own well being. This field, lacking any organic material has no organs to be disabeled. Energy beings are also unaffected by mind control methods, though historical records show them being tamed in the past by music. Energy beings have an innate weakness to water, as it slows their bodily response time. Earlier in their lifespans, energy beings weigh often less than 30lbs, until more of their skeleton grows in. One method, though not entirely accurate, is to count the tails. Often at 5 tails, each at least 30 feet in length during full extension an energy beings skeleton is too heavy to achieve flight. While lighter, energy beings can use their ears to achieve lift by riding magnetic polarities given off by large magnets such as planets, and using electrons given off in all forms of light to accelerate. The ability to ride magnetic polarities allows energy beings to have a dramatic fluctuation in their weight while around large magnets. Often times, energy beings can interact with tchnology, though they lack comprehension and understanding of the technology they interact with. Energy beings crystals grow as the energy being grows stronger. Energy beings can synthesize crystals on a whim, at a rate of cubic inches per second via means of nuclear fusion, which they can force to occur within them during times of despperation. This grows crystals and produces energy, though at great mental and physical trauma to the being. It is thus a survival instinct used to gain energy in lack of. A lesser form of nuclear fusion and be used to create just the crystals at a much less draining toll on the being.[/hider]