Captain Blaine had started to step back to let Dain into the small but fairly lavish cabin, but was left standing in the doorway with his hand on the handle, watching the fairy zipped off after the silver tabby. It wouldn't be an easy chase. Those dainty paws had carried the ghostlike feline quite far down the dim, gently rocking corridor and around a corner by the time Dain was able to catch up. The sound of his wings made her turn to the side, her back arching up in a fur-raising defensive arch, twitching sideways. Once his request had been given, the cat relaxed, lowering her haunches to the wooden floor and leaning back to groom herself casually. [color=8493ca]"Well, Mr. Crest, I shall definitely consider it. I do have a schedule to keep after all..."[/color] It wasn't a yes or a no, and her tone was maddeningly smug. When Dain turned back, the cat gave her tail a final lick and then disappeared. Donovon Blaine was waiting for Dain when the fairy knight returned and closed the door behind him when the tiny man walked in. [color=00a99d]"T'where no trouble at all,"[/color] the Captain reassured him, striding over to a heavy desk that had been bolted to the floor. The surface was littered with charts and many pages of a manifest, among many other things that tilted back and forth with the gentle rocking of the new ship. Blaine's boots thumped around the room as he shrugged out of his greatcoat, tossing it onto a bed off to one side. It was only slightly larger than the ones offered to the passengers, and the rest of the crew had hammocks. The Captain brought a decanter of some amber liquor to the table and set it down with a glassy thunk. He glanced at the fairy with his blonde brow arched curiously. [color=00a99d]"Did you? I wouldn't keep yer hopes up with regards to Fleetpaw. Women rarely do what you want them to, and cats are the worst of them all."[/color] A grin spread across his bearded face. [color=00a99d]"If she doesn't turn up shortly we'll go find her. She seems like the kind of woman who might still be in the armoury polishing something dangerous."[/color] He moved around the table to sit in a wingback chair, leaning back so that he could plonk his boots on the edge of the desk, crossed lazily at the ankles. [color=00a99d]"I'll admit you've got my attention, Mr. Crest. And why should Ms. Kodera join us?"[/color] He was watching the fairy with his bright blue eyes. The revealing admission was met with a silent but intent look on the Captain's face. He had been about to pour the both of them a drink, and in truth was still wondering what he could serve a shot of rum to a fairy in, but let his fingers drum on the table instead. [color=00a99d]"I see. I had my suspicions, but to be honest with yer I half-thought that the tale o' Silvermist were a myth. I'm not surprised the knights planted you here under my nose, and I'm glad you saw fit to tell me, but you keep that from the rest of the crew. Most of them are born and raised in Azure Strand and share no love for knights."[/color] He raised his hand to scratch his beard. [color=00a99d]"My only question for yer now is why? Are you keeping an eye on someone in particular?"[/color] He shuffled a few sheets of paper that appeared to be sketches of the various crew members and passangers, his expression thoughtful. That is, until Dain told him he couldn't drink. His expression soured, his gaze flicking up to meet the fairy knight's. [color=00a99d]"And why's that?"[/color]