"Oh look, it's a zomb-" Eleanor never got a chance to finish her sentence, as the approaching ghoul was quickly blown up and flung hundreds of feet in the air. She craned her head upwards, watching it fall. Messy, but technically [i]effective[/i], if one had that much energy to waste. Overkill aside, however, she suspected that any of the members of their party could easily handle such simple beasts, at least in small numbers. If they were going to thoroughly trounce any poor undead that happened to get in their way, they might as well leave the task to one who could do so flashily, and without exerting himself much. She waved upwards. "Farewell, little corpse." Humming quietly, she strode on ahead, maintaining a brisk pace beside the remaining horses. A brief glance was spared in the direction of the strange glow and the thrown pebble, which shook the ground as it landed, but she quickly turned her masked eyes back to the way forwards, watching for unexpected tree trunks she might accidentally run into. The thumb of her left hand gently pressed one of three tiny knobs on her pocketwatch, producing a small [i]click[/i]. "Dying isn't so bad." She wasn't looking at Eubeal, but her words came right after his statement concerning poison. "Worth doing at least once, if only for the sake of the experience. Besides, within a few hours that monster out there or the dark lord awaiting us will likely have killed you regardless, so you may as well try out a new flavor before the end, no?"