[center][h2][color=ed1c24]Joshua Tamashii[/color][h2] [@Roseletta] [@Brodz11711][/center] After spending a few minutes reviewing his previous fight in his head, Joshua chuckled to himself before dismissing his blade and heading back to town. Though he had to admit the woman was skilled and her magic a bit of a threat, he didn't have to view her as a threat. That was giving her too much credit for what little she had shown. Still, his main problem right now had to be addressed. Walking though the town, he did a bit of shopping to fix this and then headed back to the infirmary. Along the way, he came across Amaya and Lucas. To the former, he gave a smile. "[color=ed1c24]Yo, Amaya, what's up[/color]!?" He shouted at her before closing the distance between them. Upon seeing Amaya's expression, his dropped as well. "[color=ed1c24]Worried about me and Nolan[/color]?" [center][h2][color=662d91]Jackie[/color][/h2] [@Caits] [@Zarkun] [@Roseletta][/center] Jackie frowned, watching the two children a bit longer. "[color=662d91]I never got a reward in the form of food. Praise was all I ever got, and then more training to follow. May I ask what you are training them to be exactly? Just to be polite and behave themselves or do you plan on giving them combat training once they're disciplined enough[/color]?" She asked, clearly confused.