[@Light Lord] [h3][color=0072bc]Rico and Lulu, The Riolu Twins[/color], [color=007236]Tranquil Forest Crevice[/color][/h3] Rico felt a wave of relief wash over him when he heard the Pokemon's voice again. However, he wasn't sure what to make of him... he couldn't remember his name, but he knew he was a Totodile... a few moments later he said he was coming down. Rico probably would have laughed at the attempt if it weren't for the given situation. At least this Pokemon seemed nice, and honestly caring about his sister's well being. [color=0072bc]"Yeah, luckily..."[/color] Rico said when he asked about her breathing. [color=0072bc]"I think she's just knocked out, but I don't know how bad she's hurt..."[/color] Rico was still shaking a little, he was still unsure whether or not to trust this stranger. [color=0072bc]"I could have easily gotten out of here and gotten help, but... but I'm not leaving my sister's side! If something happened to her... I'd never forgive myself..."[/color] He started shaking a little more before saying and while saying his next words. [color=0072bc]"As... as much as I don't want to... I need my dad... maybe you can help..."[/color] He made his decision, he had no choice in the matter. [color=0072bc]"Just through this forest is a small village named Valiant Village. We live there with our dad, a Lucario named Spirit. He runs a Guild there, it should be easy to spot, biggest building in town. Could you get back out and find him? Please?"[/color]