[color=0072bc][h3]Dylan the Mudkip[/h3][/color] [color=007236][h3]Tranquil Forest[/h3][/color] It was an odd feeling, floating around in a void, no sensation of one's body. It was peaceful, if the situation could possibly be described, yet oddly foreign. Almost like the state of mind in-between dreams, but... different, somehow. However, the sensation was quickly cut off, the void fading with a small snap. [color=0072bc]"Ah, my head..."[/color] Dylan's conscious, spurred on by a small, shrill sound in the distance, returned to him in a rush, the force of it all overloading his poor unprepared brain. As his eyes slowly opened, the soft moonlight trickling through the forest's canopy greeted them, helping to shake off the cobwebs in his mind. As he gradually woke up, the sight greeting him made him recheck his thoughts. ...Forest? His mind's sleepy shackles loosening, Dylan came to the realization that the scene he was in felt off. He didn't recall falling asleep in a forest... As his brain went to double-check this notion, he came to realizing something even worse. [i]He couldn't remember anything at all.[/i] [color=0072bc]"W-what the hell?"[/color] He couldn't help but mutter those words, his body groggily being forced into action. However, in doing so, even more alarm bells went off in his mind as his attempt to stand up failed, body thumping to the ground. Two red flags thrown, he began to panic slightly. He tried to scramble up to stand once more, more hastily than before, only to receive the same results. His legs having failed him, he frantically looked around for something, anything that would help him. The sight of a small, blue leg in his sight effectively made him stop his search, answer found. That... wasn't a human leg. His brief moment of panic over, Dylan took time to assess his current situation. A thorough self-inspection assured him he hadn't been crippled somehow, beaten to a sorry state. No, the answer was much more far-fetched than that. Or Farfetch'd, he supposed in this instance. Without any explanation, he was now a Mudkip. A Pokemon. Not only that, but he still was pulling blanks on his memory. Well, besides the fact he was a human, or used to be, at least. The small patch of grass beneath Dylan shifted as he tried to stand once more, more cautious than before. First a kneeling position, then a shaky stand. It was odd, standing on all fours. However, he was still standing, which was better than a few minutes ago. Not that standing still would really help him. He needed to look around, search for anything that could help him. Right leg... er, legs forward, left legs forward... Slowly but surely, he began getting a rhythm going, able to move around freely. It wasn't as hard as he was expecting to be honest, as he quickly got used to it. As the Mudkip grew confident in walking, he turned his attention to his surroundings. Mostly trees and lush earth, small rays of the pale light managing to break through the green cover. Everything felt bigger, to put it simply, his change in perspective coming into play. The lack of sunlight left quite a few parts the forest unknown, darkness concealing most of it. However, upon further inspection, there seemed to be a clearing off in the distance. Seeming like a good bet to bid on, he headed towards it. The moon's light began to peer more through the canopy as the water type walked, until the canopy disappeared entirely, showing him an unexpected sight. A village of sorts filled his vision, initially filling him with ease. Civilization... at least he wasn't left alone in the wilderness to fend for himself in an unknown body. At night to boot. However, his initial reaction faded as he looked more, not seeing anyone at first. Chances were the people, or pokemon, living here were all asleep. Regardless, he began walking towards the village, looking for any sign of life, softly calling out all the while, [color=0072bc]"Hello...? Anyone here?"[/color]