[center][h3]"Who I Am"[/h3] [sup]Written March 19th, 2012[/sup] [hider=W.I.A.] Who I am is not important it's who I'll become that matters. Who I could be to you is just a whole different story to be told. Right here and now is important the person I am, you may not like. Hold out through the storm to see just who I really, truly am. I'm only seventeen and am not who I am supposed to be just yet. I'm still on the journey to find myself so please don't leave me, not yet. You ask me who I am but sadly I cannot answer your questions. I'll tell you one thing though stick around and you'll see who I am. Who I am isn't important today maybe someday it'll be of importance. But now just love me for who I am right here, right now..just don't leave. [/hider] [/center]