Senshuken sighed a little as he cracked his blood stained, bruised knuckles. Behind him sat three students of the Old Crane School, tied up with some serious bruising around the facial area; They had only just awoken and the amount of cursing that was coming from the two older students would have made even the most heartless of witches blush. This was going to be a very bad night for them. "I have to admit that if the Old Crane School is recruiting losers like you lot then they must be far worse off then I ever imagined them being." "Do you have any idea who you're messing with? Do you have any idea who our boss is you cheap shaolin wannbi?" "Nope, but a hundred people were surveyed and the top answer is on the board-" Senshuken raised his fingers, the tips of them starting to grow yellow as energy started to build up in his finger tips "Name the douche bag who's in charge."