[Center][color=gray][b][u]Hitoshi Katsu[/u][/b][/color][/center] [hr] [Colour=Lightgray]"Ugh..."[/colour] Hitoshi found himself wondering what he was supposed to do now that he had to babysit a couple of other students as a handful seemed intent on pressing forwards instead of retreating. So much for getting everyone out of there - now that he knew these were going to insist on getting in the way, he didn't really have much choice but to... well, he wasn't really certain, but it looked like a fight was in the not-too-distant future, albeit one somewhat different to what he was accustomed. And it had been far too long since those days. Stepping forward, he laced his fingers together, pushing his arms outward until a series of cracking sounds accompanied the familliar limber feeling in his arms. Running a hand through his hair, he felt it sweep back out of his face before twisting his neck each way with two additional dull clicks. Flexing his fingers, he felt his hands curl into fists. [Colour=lightgray][i]Guess you never really forget.[/i][/colour] Perhaps it was all some kind of stupid publicity stunt for a movie or something - he was going to look damn stupid in tomorrow's if that was the case. There was something off about the whole situation that told him that was unlikely to be the case though. [Colour=lightgray]"Can you things hear me? Understand what I'm saying?"[/colour] He shook his head. Talking to rolling junk and circuits - what kind of response had he expected? [Colour=lightgray]"How about you turn right around and get out of here before there's trouble?"[/colour] The words didn't sound as threatening as he would have liked: most likely his trying to change had worked somewhat over the years. They would have to do though. In an attempt to add to the effect, he stepped forward again - directly in front of the array of machines and between them and the stragglers who were still milling around like idiots. [Colour=lightgray][I]Hurry the fuck up and run[/i][/colour] he found himself thinking desperately. [Colour=lightgray]"This is my part of town, you [i]don't[/I] want to start any trouble here."[/colour] Truthfully, he had no idea what he was doing - or why for that matter. Did he think he could punch out a machine? Of course not - but it wasn't going to stop him from trying. Call it stupidity or bravery and you would be wrong either way - the boy simply didn't understand the concept of admitting defeat.