[center][h3][color=black]Milton the Zorua[/color][/h3][/center] Coming back to full awareness, Milton opened his eyes and glanced around his dark room. He realized it was probably a few hours after curfew and a long while since his mother and tucked him in and kissed him good night. Yet he was still not sleepy, he was totally too eager to sleep and as he wiggled out of bed he quickly stretched before nodding to himself. [color=black]"Alright... let's if there's anything going on tonight"[/color]he said to himself as he pulled out a orb of a bag inside his room, touching the orb made it glow and soon small connections spread around it like threads among the stars. This was his [i]Connection Orb[/i] of course, something quite useful for adventure guild members that told you who was in need of help or looked for someone to spend time with. Milton listene around for a few seconds before touching the orb again a second time to make sure that nobody were around. He looked through it and soon came to spot what looked like... yes it was the Guild's Riolu... Rico, he was up this late?... they had probably sneaked out already. However he could see that they actually needed help, this was bad. Rico's sister was hurt according to Rico, and as he couldnt' see her personally wishing for help on the orb it was probably very serious. Milton tapped it twice quickly to turn it of and then put it back in his bag, he had to help... he had to do something even if he werne't sure what. He bounced on the desk in his room and then quickly slipped out the window just in case his mother was around the door somewhere. Milton knew that his mother could still be awake, she was an Umbreon after all and was possibly hunting right now if she haden't returned yet. Carefully sneaking away from his house Milton made almost no sounds as he crept away until he was far away enough to make a dash for it. If he was going to help the Riolu twins he was going to need supplies and that fast... problem was that the store weren't open at this time and the Keckleon had probably closed up for the night... yet that wouldn't really stop Milton now would it?... he dashed to the store as he didn't know what else to do, quickly looked around before leaping up to feel on the back door... it was locked. He thought both once and twice about what to do about this... he needed supplies, and thus he recalled that there still might be some left at the guild. He hurried over towards the guild when he spotted Zaru the guild's chimchar... he quickly leaped into a nearby bush and hid as he let out a few quiet pants. He watched the Chimchar for a while as he didn't know what to do, if the chimchar spotted him it could be bad as he didn't know if he would report him to his mother. Yet... it looked like the Chimchar was occupied with a Mudkip, another child who had snuck out perhaps?. He glanced left and right as he thought about his options and then he took a deep breath before he used his illusion ability to turn into the Guilds Luxray... a disguise so to speak, because nobody would question the Luxray what he did at night right?... he then walked out of the bush carefully as to not make too much noise and tried to just walk 'past' the Chimchar like nothing was going on and head towards the guild hall. [@Noklu] [@Polaris North]