These children were in her way, they were trying to locate that infuriating healer. In the midst of song and yelling she managed to grab the attention of the boy on the balcony, seeing some kind of recognition wash over his face. So was he in fact here then? For a moment the children cheered and clambered for more song before finally dispersing and leaving just the group at the door, waiting patiently for that boy to return. When at last the door opened she expected to see Geoffrey, instead becoming a bit perplexed when a Muran woman instead ushered them in. Furrowing her brow she shrugged it off, glancing back briefly over her shoulder before following Olga inside. There were more people inside than she'd care for, and what's more Zander was nowhere in sight. They were already wasting enough time as it was coming back for him so where in the hells did he end up? "I guess we're going inside, well alright then!" Ethan smiled as he swung a leg over the side of the horse, sliding off Jorvind's back and stumbling slightly, his legs still somewhat weak. Turning and helping Amuné down as well he ushered her towards the door, making rounds to the back of the cart for Cecil. Seeing the Machina sat down, curled up slightly and not at all looking at ease he reached out, tapping his foot to grab his attention. "Come on, we should all go meet with Zander. Maybe we can figure out what happened back there too," he said, giving the side of the cart a gentle slap and waiting for his friend before heading inside, following Nymira's lead. Unlike the majority of customers they were shown to their own room, a small space tucked away on the side all to their own. Provided with some drinks, drinks which Ethan wasn't so sure they needed, they sat down around the table to rest, and to wait. Nymira supposed this was hospitality, ushering them in and providing them with drinks. This seemed much more like a defeated tribe's acts to appease a conquering force, so receiving such a treatment now struck her as odd. Were they expecting to be attacked if they didn't show some kindness? "Lovely as all of this is... We're not here to enjoy a drink, nor to have a meal. We've come to collect Zander," the Dimuran explained as she looked up to Geoffrey, "He was with us earlier and we'd like for him to travel with us, if he's able. I believe it's in his best interest he does too." She'd leave out of course that they were here to potentially save him from persecution, at least according to Ethan anyways. Frankly she couldn't give a single scale's worth of a damn whether he survived or not, her mission took precedence over some enigmatic healer; he carried himself highly yet had little to show for it, either he was a fool or a liar. Either way those who pretended to have power often fell at the hands of true strength, and she expected Zander knew that fairly well at this point. She may not like him, but if he wished to survive his best chance was coming with them. "Uh... Just to be clear here too, we're not here to hurt him, or anyone. And he's definitely not in trouble," Ethan butted in, smiling as he leaned on the table for support, "We're just... Traveling together and helping out here and there, and he seemed like he'd be a good fit for us." Kind of hard to go into detail what they were doing when everyone's goals were so varied; his own goal hadn't even been brought up yet, and now wasn't the time to share that with everyone. Everyone else's goals could be seen as innocent enough while his flew directly in the face of authority by going against the Church. Without knowing who Geoffrey or anyone else present might be aligned with it was best for now he kept that to himself. "So uh... Where is he anyways? He ran off earlier and was in a real hurry to get here, is he still here?"