Lucas Skylight Day 17 Evening [@Tracyarmav] Lucas looks up from his own thoughts to see a notification blinking in his view. [i]A friend request? how long has that been there?[/i] Lucas selected the notification and a menu popped up, Edgar Walther has requested to be your friend. Do you accept? Y/N. Lucas thought to himself recalling the last friend he had, it was so long ago, or at least it felt like it. Lucas' hand drifts towards the Ignore button for just a brief moment hesitating and questioning himself, but then he thought back to how useful a friend can be and suddenly realized he pushed a button, not exactly sure which one he hit. That is until another notification popped up, Edgar Walther is online. [i]Hmm, guess he did accept it, well Edgar does seem to be a reasonable fellow and he was polite enough.[/i] Lucas looked up to see Edgar preparing to leave. [color=0072bc]"I will work with you guys, though I must warn you, group fighting is not a style I am adept at..."[/color] Lucas says haltingly as he follows Edgar out to the rendezvous.