[h3][color=gray]Ariel - Grand Magic Games[/color][/h3] [@Caits] Rubbing her shin slightly she tried to choose her words carefully. Right now it would be easy just to tell Penny that she was being dramatic. Taking a deep breath Ariel finally spoke. [color=gray]"I just got finished explaining to Karn that he isn't alone. He has friends, the guild to support him. You do to. If you need to talk, I will do my best to listen."[/color] Feeling a little odd she turned away for a moment. Perhaps going to the stadium during a fight was not one of her wisest decisions. She'd been mostly exposed to Nolan's Ash magic and Zander Ruby magic. While Xyster's magic was also heavily used it was quite a bit different from everything else she'd encountered up to that point. In any case, Ariel's mimicry latched onto Zander's magic now after having processed it. Ariel's features took on a ruby color and her clothes even appeared to become crystalline. Once the new personality kicked in she stepped over to Penny and put an arm around her. [color=deeppink]"Like I was saying, I'm here for you Penny."[/color] It was probably a slightly awkward moment as Ariel was suddenly very touchy feely. She also seemed to be eyeing Penny a bit. [hider=Crystal Magic] [img]http://i.imgur.com/mQbg0qgl.png[/img] [/hider]