Meria made some happy noises and looked at her king. [i][color=00aeef]'So Stubborn!'[/color][/i] she thought and swam away a little just so she could jump out the of the water and splash him a little while coming back into it. [i][color=00aeef]'Good to have your opinion King Poseidon, but do also listen to your heart! You didn't let me save the girl for nothing when she was five'[/color][/i] the dolphin said and then swam away to the blue lagoon. Lisa had opened up the place and checked the agenda. She saw there was a lot of swimming planned and sighed. [color=ec008c]''Martino!!!''[/color] She yelled and a rather tall guy came to her. [color=8dc73f]''Yes?''[/color] he asked. [color=ec008c]''Remember what I said? Not more than Three people in the bay at the same time! You triple registeren a group of Five at Noon, two PM and Four PM.. From Noon till one we are closed!''[/color] she said. [color=8dc73f]''But.. The big boss told me to do so''[/color] the guy said. [color=00a651]''That is true Lisa, we are losing money''[/color] an other guy, begin thirty's said. [color=ec008c]''You made me a promise, you would start discuss the things with me if it didn't work out''[/color] she said. [color=00a651]''No, actually in your contract stands that you can try this idea out for three months and after that we will see.. Well, I saw a improvement on the guests we had and on those fish but I saw a down fall in my bank account.. So, you are fired!''[/color] the guy said. Lisa's eyes widened and she swallowed. [color=ec008c]''You will kill the dolphins... They will get way to stressed out''[/color] she said. But her boss didn't listen and right at that moment Meria swam back into the bay. [color=00a651]''Get the net up guys, those two fish will do perfectly for today''[/color] he said. Lisa didn't think one moment when she heard that, she dropped her shawl and jumped into the water, wearing a jeans short and a tank top and started to swim. Deria followed her and Meria thought this was weird, She turned around and saw the net. Lisa tried to go as fast as she could. [i][color=ec008c]'If you two could now just understand me.. or read my mind... That stupid boss of mine just fired me and tries to lock the two of you in.. You two have to get away'[/color][/i] she though. Suddenly she thought of something and swam to the surface, she swam to the rocks and climbed up. [color=ec008c]''Okay.. Maybe I am ready for a nut house after this but... I fiercely believe in the greek gods... The gods that created this country and I hope with all my heart now that Poseidon please help out.. I was stupid, I tried to reason with someone that should be eaten by a shark a long time ago and now he captured two of the most amazing dolphins I have met so far.. How I know these two are different? Well.. They kept saving me from bad dives when I still did competitions''[/color] she said and her words would flow on the wind into Poseidon's ears. [color=ec008c]''Forgive me.. For putting them in danger.. The net he raised is made of stainless steel.. I can't cut trough it and it's not save to let them jump over it....''[/color] she whispered and a tear fell on the rock.