[quote=@Plank Sinatra] [@Krayzikk] [@HereComesTheSnow] [@Caasicam] [color=ed1c24][h3]Angel Ferrara: The Other Guy[/h3][/color] [color=ed1c24]"Big enough to go six ways, though?"[/color] Angel ran his hand along the back of his neck somewhat with an uncharacteristically half-bullish grin on his face. Kaia liked to typecast him as the complete innocent of the duo - which was [i]mostly[/i] true, save when it came down to the nitty gritty of the paychecks that would keep Ferrara and Iona fed, clothed, and rested on their whirlwind southbound adventure. It was there, along with fights, where his rare beacons of confidence could shine. And it looked like right now they might need that. [color=ed1c24]"Because my partner and I are already helping Cyare on the bridge job."[/color] He hoped Kaia would be cunning enough to play along. She usually was, but she wasn't exactly as up to speed as most of the others that had congregated; he'd hoped to talk to her about the job with Cyare before anyone else showed up. Angel hadn't really expected it to be a problem. [color=ed1c24]"We were just talking out the details on the way here."[/color] [/quote] [quote=@Caasicam] [h3][color=red]Kaia Iona[/color][/h3] For a fraction of a second Kaia paused, though really because she had been trying to get a clearer picture of both where everyone was standing and their general impressions. It went a long way in telling them apart when they weren't talking. [i][color=red]Aye aye cap'n.[/color][/i] "[color=red]Yeah, I haven't had the chance to beat the crap outta something in [i]ages[/i].[/color]" The fact that maybe ([color=red][i]definitely![/i][/color]) her vision wasn't a hundred percent great didn't mean that she had any problem at all making her sightless eyes large and innocent. They couldn't possibly be monstrous enough to take that opportunity away from her, right? [/quote] [quote=@Silvan Haven] [b]Lux Harken[/b] A thoughtful look fell across the light mage's face. They certainly had a point, a sizable paycheck split four ways (or two, it depended on how each team divided their share) was reasonably fair. Add two more people to the equation and things started getting tight. "What about a two job contract?" He said after a moment. "I think we've all come to realize that jobs are a bit scarce in this city at the moment. What with the crowds of mages flooding the place. I suggest that we cooperate together on this job and then, once in a place somewhat less thin on jobs we pick up another to make up the difference." What followed was accompanied by a wry smile and an awkward rub to the back of his head. "Normally I would just let you have the job but our communal money pouch ran out this morning and all the other quests I could find pay pocket change." [/quote] [h1]Cyare Staunton[/h1] The mage drummed the fingers of the hand on her hip in thought, the other still resting at her side. On the one hand, she would be within her rights to press the issue. Four voices versus two, they could press out the two unknown mages without too much difficulty. Unless they wanted a fight. Which would make things much simpler. Perhaps not the nicest course of action, but when jobs are scarce, one must do what is necessary. Without a home base she and Rei had to pay for places to stay, on top of their supplies. Easy enough in a market saturated with opportunity. Much harder when competing with a flood of other mages. On the other hand... Cyare's face softened, almost imperceptibly, at the mention of the state of their finances. "Five shares splits more fairly than six." The Tactical Mage stated, her posture standing down from borderline battle-ready to a more relaxed (if no less alert) stance. She continued after a moment to let that sink in, ignoring the light weight of her wallet and the metaphorical weight of her hotel bill. "I have money left over from my last job. Your purse is running light, and if I remember correctly, Ferrara and Iona are in need of funds, as well. My associate can choose what to do with his share. I will take the sum of what is owed to me with the subsequent job, when they are not quite so scarce." "You have a deal, sir."