[h2][center][color=7bcdc8]Oliver Rivers[/color][/center][/h2] [@Ceta de Cloyes] As he entered the room Oliver pulled off his backpack. Tapping it with his wand it unzipped, immediately spewing books, potions materials, clothes and other miscellaneous objects everywhere. Frantically he tapped it again a startled [color=7bcdc8]"Finite"[/color] accompanying the motion. It was a mirical that he'd managed the expansion charm in the first place, trying to magic all of the contents back out was probably not his best move. Charms hadn't been he's best class but he was by not means bad at it, these particular spells just happened to be fit for wizards more practiced than he. Slightly irritated he waved his wand at the mess. Each object shuddered and one by one they began scooting or hopping to their proper location: The clothes scooting to the chest at the foot of the bed, the books to the bed side along with a lamp and a picture frame until at last everything was in its proper place. The raven on his should cooed in apparent disgust, though it could also be taken as a tired coo, and fluttered over to the bed. Eyeing the kitten she settled on the end of the bed. Tossing his back pack towards the bed Oliver turned his attention to Mercy with a sigh. Unpacking was hard work he thought as he sat on the floor. Petting Mercy he looked back up at Mike with a stupid grin. [color=7bcdc8]"He really is a great cat. As far as cats go anyway."[/color] Realizing he probably was staring he looked back down to the cat, then to his watch. It looked like a little past midnight, though it was always hard to tell later at night the exact time. [color=7bcdc8]"any way it's getting kind of late. I aught to get to bed, I'll need to get up early to unpack the rest of my stuff and be ready for DADA in the morning."[/color] Awkward and rushed he got in the bed under several of the thick quilts. [hr][hr] [b][color=0072bc][h2]Defense Against the Dark Arts: Professor Quinton Bellfree[/h2][/color][/b] [b]Hufflepuff and Griffondor[/b] In the new defense against the dark arts room there were windows. Only the upperclassmen remember it being in the dungeon, though they often retell the stories to frighten the first years. As a matter of fact it was by no mysterious means or circumstances that it came to be in the second floor of the left-wing are quite boorish. The reason was simply Professor Bellfree disliked the damp coldness of the basement. Aside from the normal set up tapestries of magical victories over any number of creatures or in a few cases other wizards hung about the walls. Red and gold curtains hung over the window and the only light came from bright bulbs floating about in mid air. Not that anything unusual necessarily meant that the lesson would be any good, it just meant that the students would likely be on their feet. The lesson was scrawled across the black board seeming to actually be a planned one, including summoning distractions and expelling them. There was still a chance that any curious student could keep Bellfree off topic for the entire time if they wanted to. Oliver sat at a desk near the back writing as quickly as he could in attempt to finish summer homework for several of his other classes. [hr][hr] [b][color=fff200][h2]Potions: Professor Albert Cunningham[/h2][/color][/b] [b]Ravenclaw and Slytherin[/b] The potions room was tidy as always, books along one wall and potions ingredients along the other. The room was tall and bright, offering an pleasant place with a kitchen feeling to brew in. Professor Cunningham stood at the front of his room, a potion brewing in front of him as well as several odd ingredients organized across his desk. As ussual he would have the students be making a potion on the first day, and in tradition give a much nicer dose of a diffrent more desired potion to the student who could craft the best potion. This years student would have to make a blood replenishing poyionl, or at least the recipe for it was on each desk. A cage or rats that looked sickly would lead one to believe that their potions would be tested on the creatures for effectiveness, archaic but sensical.