Nyla looked around a bit curiously as one after another began to show up asking to join the party. A pout began to form on her lips. Fearing that her admittance into the formation of the party would be over looked and she was be cast aside. Though one of the last arrivals had gotten her attention. Maybe because the girl was placing her entire attention on Nyla. She looked at the girl, maybe a bit too intently. She was often off put by horns, viewing them as something dangerous, but some reason this girls didn't bother Nyla. Nyla was beginning to feel a bit, what's an appropriate term.. Captivated. Yes, captivated just by looking at the girl. She felt herself hesitantly inches closer; Kuzie noticing and being unaffected began to tug at her hair as if to hold her back. Nyla innocently swatting at the Squirrel to cease. Before she knew it a hulking mass of green stepped in between the two and broke Nyla's line of sight. That simple act seemed to sever the charm. Shaking her head and filling a bit dizzy she tried to process what had just happened. [i][color=tan]'Was that girl using some kind of charm spell?'[/color][/i] The ditsy girl tried to reason. Now that she was no longer effected she could listen to all that was going on. Apparently they all seemed intent on keeping Nyla in the party, which was welcome news. It would have been a nightmare trying to find another group. But then again there was that girl... Nyla peeked around the green man once more to look at the girl. She could feel herself getting drawn in again, but this time she quickly snapped away and hid herself behind Mr. Green once again. Shaking her head and clearing her mind of those dizzying thoughts.