[color=0072bc][h3]Dylan the Mudkip[/h3][/color] [color=007236][h3]Valiant Village[/h3][/color] Dylan's eyes slowly shifted back and forth, scanning the village as he began to enter it. Part of his brain began to nag at him, trying its best to fill him with thoughts of possible bad scenarios that could happen. For all he knew, this town could be a hideout for bandits and the like, waiting for passerbys to unknowingly fall into their trap. Or maybe everyone in here either moved away or were killed in a sudden incident a while back, possibly due to local hostile wildlife. Or maybe… [color=f7941d]"Hello there."[/color] Gah! The Mudkip’s train of thought came crashing to a halt as a voice called out in the night, the suddenness of it all catching him off guard. He looked around quickly until his eyes lined up with what he presumed the voice had come from. A Chimchar. Well, he supposed if he was a Pokemon, it only made sense he could understand other Pokemon. The fire type seemed friendly enough. His tensed form relaxed, the possible adrenaline of danger not needed in this situation. The Chimchar walked closer, Dylan’s eyes watching its movements all the while, until it stopped right in front of him, speaking once more. [color=f7941d]“Do you need help or something?”[/color] Dylan did suppose it must seem weird, having an outsider arrive to a village in the middle of the night, at least, if this Chimchar was from here. [color=0072bc]“O-oh, well, um…”[/color] He could barely manage words, realizing that he didn’t know what to say. If he immediately came out with the truth, it would sound ridiculous, and shooed aside as a bad dream or something. Instead, he tried to say as much as he could without sounding absurd. [color=0072bc]“I’m not really from around here. I, um… came from that forest over there, and found my way here somehow.”[/color] There, that was truthful enough to explain his situation he hoped, while leaving out the more absurd parts. As he finished up speaking, Dylan noticed there was still some life in the town besides this Chimchar after all. A Luxray passed by, the difference in size leaving him to remember how much smaller he was than before. However, before he could dwell on that longer, another Pokemon showed up, its sudden appearance startling him a bit. The expression the Mawile wore on its face kept him a bit off guard, expecting, and consequently getting a small lecture. Dylan’s mind began to swim slightly due to the sudden shift in tone from the Chimchar’s question to the Mawile’s words, combined with the idea he had possibly just missed getting involved with hostile pokemon. Not to mention the fact that he now knew there were hostile Pokemon here after all! And... "kids"? He supposed he must look young in his current state... The Mawile seemed to be talking to the Luxray now, but the Mudkip’s focus was elsewhere, stuck in his own thoughts for a bit. However, what the Mawile said next broke through to his dazed brain, helping him recover. A place to stay! He needed that too. And if the Mawile was asking the Luxray, perhaps he could ask it for help in addition to the Chimchar. The more help the better. [color=0072bc]“Ah, I need a place to stay for the night too!”[/color] He paused, before throwing in what he had already explained to the Chimchar, [color=0072bc]“I’m not from around here, and am a bit lost, you see…”[/color] Dylan slowly trailed off, not really sure what else to say in this situation. [@Ninian] [@Polaris North] [@Iatos]