[@DLL] (You're damn right she'd be waiting. This took me way too long to get back to.) [center][youtube]?v=KP3FV2GBrO8&nohtml5=False[/youtube][/center] Strange how things that go off without a hitch generally end in a hitch, isn't it? Virtruo's passive projection field shielded him from a majority of the explosive blast, but he was sent careening skyward with a distint vertical backwards spin. This marred his vision momentarily as he re-adjusted his visual components to the new state of movement. This sor t of movement wasn't meant to be sustained for more than a few milliseconds, so as it stands, this is an unpleasant state of being. As he readjusted himself, he realized the the chink in his armor had worsened. The entirety of his forward facing plating had been collapsed inwards and the thrust projection was hampered severely. Thin streams of light creeped through the squeezed tubes and channels. Flickering almost pathetically as they attempted to maintain the same amount of force as they had put out in their more efficient state. Would have been sad or unsettling if it weren't commonplace. Near perfection isn't true perfection, that is why he strives so hard to reach it. He isn't invincible or infallible, though he is among the most powerful beings to ever be, there are a few flaws. Blast ceramics and metal alloys do have a breaking point. And man is she really reaching those points really quickly. But do you know what doesn't have a breaking point? Virtuoso's patience. Cee was lining up another shot, to be sure, that was without a doubt. Neither was there a doubt that she could strike him out of the air with pinpoint accuracy from this distance without breaking a sweat. Figuratively of course, she's an android, if she did sweat it would be totally superfluous. All of this was drifting through his head as he righted himself by turning his vertical momentum into angular momentum. Twisting himself at the waist and firing boosters upwards on his left half and downwards on his right half. This sent him hurtling off into the direction of his hip twist, that was to the left of course. Cee's follow-up round sailed between his legs as he gathered the bulk of his body into a tight cylinder of mechanically perfect form, like the spin of a skater only tighter and more fluid. By upturning his head and reallocating his visual ability to focus on a central point, he no longer needed to move his head to match his spin. Virtuoso's body spun like a tornado, the rotational speed creating a violent tumultuous cyclone of wind around his body as he rocketed off to the side. He created an immense updraft for himself while also firing off his rear boosters to achieve maximum height and speed. Putting himself far and away from Cee's static position. But no, he wasn't running. Like the Peregrine Falcon rises to swoop down in a deadly vertical drop, he too rises to create an abominable impact as he surges to the ground. Virtuoso reached the peak of his rise in mere seconds and he dropped his ascent, allowing himself to be weightless for a moment. As he spun in the air, fragments of his wings were thrown off as they flicked around his body. He looked like a golden arrow that had reached the pinnacle of its flight, heavenly light glittered in the air around his body. If Cee could feel awe or fear, she might feel a combination of the two if she were wise. Virtuoso was ready to counterattack.