An owl larger than a horse flew through the skies, coming to land a few feet from the entrance to the school. A fair haired girl jumped from the owl's back and surveyed the school. The giant owl then shrunk to a medium sized owl, who came to rest on the girl's shoulder. [color=6ecff6]"Thanks for the ride, Shannon,"[/color] the girl said as she pat the owl's head. The owl was silent. Runa stepped forward to the doors of the school, not very excited for this. Her mother was ecstatic when the Norse god Runa called 'dad' had told Runa she would be attending this new institute. No matter her protests, Runa was shipped off to school to 'learn how to be a proper goddess'. Sometimes Runa hated her father. [color=6ecff6]"Well,time to do this...."[/color] Runa whispered to herself.