[h3][color=faeba2]Celty the Mawile[/color][/h3][b][Valiant Village][/b] [@Iatos][@Polaris North][@Noklu] During the entire conversation, Celty noticed that the Mudkip was quite clearly dazed, lost, or perhaps just hungry. Her red brows furrowed as she examined the child-like Pokémon. Pulling forward her satchel, she opened it up to pull out one of her apples. [color=faeba2]"Lost...? A child like you? Where's your parents...? Well, I guess it can't be helped."[/color] Handing the apple to the Mudkip she continued, [color=faeba2]"I'm Celty by the way. If we can't manage to find a place to stay tonight, you and I can camp out somewhere on the outskirts of the Village. In theory it should be fine."[/color] Turning to the Chimchar, Celty continued, [color=faeba2]"Hang around the village? Hmmm, your village must have some pretty lax rules then. In Seelie, children would get in [i]a lot of trouble[/i] for staying up past curfew."[/color] Closing her pack and pulling it around she let out a soft sigh. [color=faeba2]"Regardless of rules, it's still dangerous. I know I'm just a traveler, I probably shouldn't be lecturing you. Just don't do anything to hurt yourself."[/color]