[@Lmpkio] [color=00746b][b]NOLAN[/b][/color] Nolan simply laid in the hospital bed, looking up at the ceiling with a blank stare. He hadn't seen himself in the mirror though he could tell he was covered in scars and bandages from that fight. When he woke up previously, he saw towels soaked in his blood lying in a bucket somewhere in the corner. After nearly getting eviscerated by Xyster, he had blacked out for the rest of the match. He really wasn't exactly sure what happened after he passed out from blood loss, but all he knew that Josh couldn't win against Zander. In all honesty, he never expected Joshua to be able to match up against the Ruby Knight. The difference in power between the samurai and the knight was simply to big to even pretend that he had a chance to win. If it was a smack talk fight, however, then Josh would've probably won. God dammit, he was able to handle them on his own, but whatever that power Xyster used turned the tables on him. While deep in thought, he was being poked on the shoulder by a familiar blonde from his guild. He glanced up and saw it was Samir, instantly retreating away from her on reflex. Where the hell did she just come from?! God dammit, women just seemed to pop out of thin air! [color=00746b]"Shit, give me a heart attack why don't you?"[/color] Nolan sat up in the bed, realizing that he wasn't wearing a shirt, just bandages wrapped all over his body. He pulled the blanket up to hide his almost bare torso. [color=00746b]"Blood lust and rage. That's what happened."[/color] [@Caits] [b][color=00aeef]FERRIS[/color][/b] [color=00aeef]"Sheesh, talk about a blood sport. I'm surprised that Sheldon didn't stop the damn match while he still had the chance. It could've ended really badly."[/color] Ferris said in between bites of the strange food. Seriously, he was glad he didn't have to fight those pseudo humans and end up mangled.