[quote=@Brink_] Of course, yeah, but you'd all complied with Willy's incessant obsession with frankly insignificant minutia of a similar vein so I thought I might get a word in here as well. [/quote] Well it wasn't as much compliance as it was ignored. Trivial things like anti nuke satellites and hard science (albeit completely correct) aren't necessary in a narrative such as this. Now on the flip side especially as seen with the grogar, can shed light on how strange things could have gotten by the means of simple evolution. I'm curious as to how the fauna and animal life adapted to the mass extinction that would've followed a nuclear war / major climate shift like we had. Sadly, as fantastic as it all may be and so you know, id enjoy anyone's take on that evolution topic, its still just fluff for our characters plots. Just remember this too, we have furries. However impossible that actually is, its fun to think about!