[center][h3][color=black]Milton the Zorua[/color][/h3][/center] Carefully putting one step ahead of the other he had hoped to pass without anyone noticing him... however a voice calling out too, what now would be him made him stop mid step and awkwardly glance their direction to confirm that they were indeed speaking to him. [color=green]"Hey there Luxray... uhm do you mind keeping this a secret... etc"[/color] the Voice said yet making Milton's whole body tense, had he been found out?... no, it actually didn't sound like it, his disguise held up and now it seemed the rather awkward sneak attempt had taken a rather curious 180 turn with the Chimchar asking 'him' not to be a tattle-tale and tell the guild master on him. That was good... honestly way better than any scenarios his mind had been able to come up with in the meantime... and he was about to reply when a Mawile stepped into the dim light and revealed itself behind them. [color=black][i]'I'm so dead...'[/i][/color] Milton thought, as the Mawile chewed the two... yes, the two of them out?... but, again He was not the target of this chewing now was he?... lucky, again it proved that his disguise was quite good. Now the only problem was that he had stood there mid step quite awkwardly for way longer than intended and then he possibly should. He put his paw down slowly and looked to the Chimchar first, yet with the mawile already here and having chewed him out he figured he couldn't just go with the 'I didn't see anything' response. [color=black]"uhm... No. These ain't my children. And now that you've already had an earful of naggin, I suppose I've got nothing to add"[/color] he said trying to act all cool Luxray'y about it. He then figured he could just slip off again couldn't he?... nope, apperently he now had to take action again and show these pokémon somewhere to stay... otherwise he would make Luxray look bad. He gave a sigh, and turned his head to look at the Mawile and then the Mudkip who both had asked for a place to stay. The chimchar had given a pretty good advice to them, and he in turn nodded. [color=black]"For the night, I recon the guild should have a bed or two spare... it would be the best option for now seeing as you don't want to go door to door at this hour to ask for a place to stay"[/color] he said as he thought back at it, he then walked ahead just slightly figuring he might as well show the way there... after all he was already heading that way. [color=black]"Come on then, The guild's this way."[/color] he said as he once again started heading towards the guild, now he just hoped that his disguise would hold up or this situation would turn really, really, really.... awkward. However he felt lucky, it seemed that Chimchar didn't know the Guild Luxray that well and this Mawile was out of town... the Mudkip he didn't know about at all but it seemed for the moment to know nothing at all... it meant that the only onces here didn't have a single clue about any possible shenanigans going on right under their noses. He knew however that if he actually ran into the guild master... well than he was toast, but it was an emergency right?... and he didn't have the time to explain to a bunch of stray pokémon why he was out this late at night. He knew the Guildmaster could tell it was him with his Aura reading ability, he would know something was off... it was even more accurate than the motherly sense his mother seemingly had, and she could also tell by scent. He would try to reach the guild without stopping after that, after all he felt like he needed no more distractions tonight. [hr] Thinking of the Devil however, the Guildmaster came to greet them just outside the guild... and well, Milton knew the jig was up even before the guildmaster spoke. He chuckled nervously at the qutie obvious statement... couldn't the large pokémon have played along just this once?:.. nope, probably impossible. [color=black]"Well... uhm. I wasn't really trying to fool [b]You[/b] sir"[/color] he admitted as he glanced back at the others, it was the truth after all. In a slight 'poof' he changed back to normal, to the other's possible surprise. [color=black]"Shor version... These two pokémon Need somewhere for the night to stay... And I need to save Rico and Lulu from the forest"[/color]he said and slightly tried to just inch past the Guildmaster while he was possibly distracted, not that he sincerely expected it to work.