[h3][color=0072bc]Rico and Lulu, the Riolu Twins[/color], [color=007236]Tranquil Forest Crevice[/color][/h3] It had been a while since the Totodile named Devon left, and it seemed to only be getting darker and darker out. Rico was worridly circling the area around Lulu, watching out for anything hostile, when he heard a light moan. He looked over to his sister and saw her starting to stir at last. [color=0072bc]"Lulu, can you hear me? How do you feel?"[/color] Lulu finally opened her eyes, tilting her head to look at her brother. [color=7ea7d8]"I don't know, you try falling out of a tree and see how you feel..."[/color] Lulu cracked a little grin, at least she hadn't lost her sense of humor. Lulu tried to raise up, but winced and laid back down on the ground. [color=0072bc]"Easy, where does it hurt the most?"[/color] Lulu couldn't honestly tell, when she moved her whole body just seemed to be filled with pain. [color=7ea7d8]"My... leg I think, I... I think I landed hard on it..."[/color] Rico was just happy that his sister would most likely be okay. [color=0072bc]"Don't worry, help is on the way. [i]I hope...[/i]"[/color] [hr] [@Light Lord] [@Iatos] [@Polaris North] [h3][color=0072bc]Spirit the Lucario[/color], [color=fff79a]Valiant Village[/color][/h3] Spirit's chat had been completely cut off by the arrival of a Totodile. He said that Rico and Lulu were in trouble in the forest. [color=004b80]"WHAT!? My kids... what have they gotten into now... you said the Crevice in the Forest right... thank you, you're a very honorable Pokemon, my friend. I'll be back, and I'll finish talking with you two kids later."[/color] That last comment was aimed at Milton and Zaru. He turned towards the forest, and in a single swift jump, sprinted off into the forest as quickly as he could.