“I had faith in your ability keep up that’s all,” Satori flashed a grin towards Eubeal. Though the Princess of Darkness didn’t appear winded by her latest effort she was reluctant to attempt another large scale spell so soon. The APC would thunder on, slowly picking up speed into the upper seventies and beyond, uncaring for those insane three who had opted to ride atop it. Ghouls were little more than mulch beneath its treads, acid steaming off of its armored plates and thick treads to little or no effect, and even trees were smashed through with a shudder along the way. Still the Pater kept up; just like the APC it was unlikely to be affected by those falling trees, which didn’t stop Satori from subtly judging the bulk to fall on around it. The alliance was over, if it had ever existed in the place, and there was no doubt in her mind that they were rapidly approaching another Shin-Ra showdown with the Primeval, one she intended to win definitively. For now she relegated herself to simply thumbing her nose at the beast, a wild sneer on her face even as she stared into its wide hateful eyes while the darkness pooled around her, she wasn’t out of power she was simply saving it for the right moment. “It looks like our host is inviting us deeper,” she spies those nightmarish Nightmares splitting the mist and dashing through the burning treeline. They did not attack either, “Seems like we’ve got ourselves a regular Mexican Standoff.”