The rifle-like weapon was almost out of reach, thankfully, Eubeal manages to spatial shift the weapon into his own hands. "Now, I'm not much of a marksman, but I doubt I'd need to be." He fires once, not at anything in particular, just in the general direction behind the APC. He glances at the shot and confirms a small delay between the fire and the hit, which confirms that the thing fires projectiles. He nods and fires another round. This time, accelerating the projectile to 1.00[i]c[/i], the speed of light right as it leaves the barrel. The projectile leaving a large trail of hot plasma in the air as it traveled far faster than eyes could perceive, possibly arriving a bit in the past. Relativity is complicated. Although one thing is for certain, that projectile would absolutely annihilate anything it touched or it got near too, as evidenced by the remaining trees. "Satori?" Eubeal looks back at his comrade and offers her the rifle.