[quote=@Mikellh Dejax] [@Willy Vereb] Alright, I'm here. Do you have ideas how our races start a war? It'd be pretty difficult, since both of our species don't like warmongering, the Star Federation has a military, but only for defense purposes and they dislike war because of the Last Great War (from what I read), and the Congregation and the Builder try to avoid wars as much as possible, seeking only to trade with the rest of the sapient species in the universe. Maybe it starts by accident perhaps? [/quote]In all likelihood that's what'd happen. Albeit keep in mind that the Star Federation is corrupt as hell under the surface and their anti-war doctrine is closer to a PR move. Certainly they avoid being associated with things related to the Last Great War but they found plenty of workarounds. Once you peel away their anti-war and friendship crap they are a greedy hyper-capitalist system. I basically made them as a more realistic foil to the typical sci-fi Federations, in particular the UFP from Star Trek.