[center] [img]http://fontmeme.com/freefonts/img.php?f=36691&s=55&t=Caeria&c=DC143C[/img] [hider=Crimson Phoenix][IMG]http://static.mangadrawing.net/users/image/41036-1girl-arm-up-blonde-hair-bodysuit-boots.587d053c170297da98ebd33f99d9b3f2.png[/IMG][/hider] [img] http://fontmeme.com/freefonts/img.php?f=36691&s=55&t=Hawksong&c=DC143C[/img] [img] http://orig15.deviantart.net/5f18/f/2014/002/4/3/fir_007_1_by_luisbc-d70h4jn.gif[/img][/center] Heat waves shimmered over the surface of a nearby parking lot slowly revealing a strange sight as a girl surrounded in flames appeared. She was about sixteen years old, blonde and like many of her type endowed with a body that could cause a priest to sin. Her Name was Caeria and she was frankly at a loss over how drab the world she now found herself in. She was used to the energy of the Infernal court where her whims were if concern to most there, here she was alone with no one to carry her luggage that began to appear all around her. [color=FF3366]"Absolutely wonderful, I'm not only exiled to this frigid wasteland but there are no servants here to see to my things."[/color] said the voluptuous young woman with a pout She only lingered for a moment before deciding to conceal her things in a mirage and head to the building before her and seek servants.