"Hah! Bold words, I like that, but we both know a fight between us wouldn't be sporting so put your toy away" Her eyes narrowed at him, but only for a moment. She didn't particularly liked being mocked. Typically, those who underestimated her never lasted very long. But there was some truth to his words, and as his massive form turned away from her to fetch his clothing, she saw it etched in every muscle and scar. The way that he moved, the way that he spoke, he certainly had brains, which was more than she could say about most who came up against her. Still, what a marvelous sight it might have been, her heart ached for a real fight. She lowered herself into a chair, sat at the head of the table that would soon be devoured by food if it were left for too long. As he continued to speak, she reached a hand towards the golden chalice overflowing with large, plump blueberries, savoring the taste of each as she slipped them into her mouth. [color=darkseagreen]"Her story is a very simple one. One of greed and betrayal. She wants the power for her own. She killed Jeltheor for his power and for the fame it would get her. Whether or not she actually has intentions of using the keys to destroy the evil on this plane, I can't say for sure. But I do know it isn't her only goal. She wasn't always like this, it is mostly the work of the artifact which she holds so preciously dear. When I confronted her ... came to her about destroying it ... well, I could show you my scars, but then I would have to get naked."[/color] she smirked, shoving another berry between her lips. She knew it wouldn't be long until a search party was arranged. It wasn't the smartest idea to linger for much longer and at this point, her plan to steal the second artifact from Genevieve was starting to fall apart. But she needed them to know. And if her visit tonight could chip away at Genevieve's plan, it was all worth it. [color=Darkseagreen]"I'm afraid we haven't been properly introduced though. If she's told you so much, I'm sure she must have mentioned my name. But it is quite unfortunate, I do not know yours."[/color] [@Zero Hex] [center] ~~~~~*~~~~~ [/center] She moved frantically through her room as she made her way through. Fancy trinkets and clothes were tossed about carelessly as she came to a large wardrobe on the back wall. With the touch of a finger, a secret draw slid open from underneath, exposing a midsized chest. She threw the lid open and let out a long sigh of relief as she saw the stone, safe and sound where she had left it. It was in that moment that she felt him. She knew there was an intruder on the loose, but she had expected Isabuea .... No, it wasn't her who she felt ... the Magi! Her brows wrinkled, her jaw tensed, her blood boiled with anger and anticipation. He wanted a fight? She would be sure to give him one. Returning the chest to it's proper place, she spoke softly, enchanting the wardrobe then turned to face the door. Whatever magic she could throw at him may not be a match. But there was one that people often forgot. She had command over everything in that house. Every brick, every layer of wood, even the staff was forced to do her bidding. One word was all it took. "Open!" she yelled to the large oak door. With force, it burst open, revealing her foe on the other side. [@ArenaSnow]