Archetype: Badass normal Name:Luke Nesmith Alias: The judge Age: 30 Powers: ° 5 solid years of SWAT experience along with a vested 'hobbyist' interest in a wide variety of firearms. ° The knowhow to acquire more firepower from 'questionable' sources ° Armed with military grade firepower, wit Weaknesses: Despite his impressive ballistic skill, the Judge is still just a normal human. Alignment: Walking the line. Merciless towards criminals, but actively tries to avoid harming bystanders. Personality: ° Doubtless ° Determined ° Self-righteous ° Unflinching ° Ruthless Appearance: The judge is a tall man with finely toned muscles and a fit body. He goes clothed in blue heavy body armor and covers his face with a customized military grade helmet. His stubbled black chin the only bit of exposed skin showing. BRIEF Bio: Luke Nesmith, born in the Bronx, grew up dodging gang shootouts and digging bullets out of his front porch. Joined the police force to 'do his aprt cleaning the city'. made it into SWAT. Got dishonorably discharged after 'accidentally' shooting a perp he knew would go free otherwise. Decided to take the law into his own hands afterwards. Storylines: Coming to terms with how his brand of justice has made him just as much of a criminal as the gangbangers he blasts into red mist. Notes: nothing I can think of right now