[hider=Hugh Chase AKA Rush][center][img]http://static7.comicvine.com/uploads/scale_super/7/73958/3079580-tumblr_lp2o9ekeoh1qzvhk6o1_1280.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h1][color=yellow]”I only have one speed… its quickity fast.”[/color][/h1][/center] [center][b]Archetype:[/b] Advanced Techno [b]Name:[/b] Hugh Chase [b]Alias:[/b] Rush [b]Age:[/b] -1984 (physical is about 23) [b]Powers:[/b][/center] -Cybernetic right arm: The arm gives Hugh increased strength in that arm and also contains a high powered grappling hook used to turn his horizontal acceleration into vertical acceleration. Perfect for flinging yourself aimlessly into the sky. -Future Human: In the 41st century, Earth is a lot differentfrom how it is in modern times. The mass of the planet had increased a great deal making the gravity stronger in response. There is also a lot of pollutants in the world making humans need to adapt or die off. Luckily humans decided to adapt to these horrible conditions and ended up being able to survive their harsh reality. While this only just barely allows a human to survive in the future, a 41st century human in the present has quite a bit of advantage over the normal humans in the present. Unluckily though Hugh is pretty sickly and doesn’t exercise so he basically equates to a normal human who works out regularly. Hugh is pretty well versed in mechanical engineering which allows him to upgrade his costume from time to time or help out other heroes with his knowledge. -Slip-Stream suit: Hugh’s suit gives him amazing reflexes, capable of dodging an onslaught of attacks and even a few bullets (if he’s already moving or prepared for it) and it has a pair of headphones in it that enable him to hear police and criminal transmission over telephone or radio. The main feature of the suit is it ability to let the wearer travel at incredible speeds via a futuristic, clean energy rocket on the suit’s back. Currently the suit can just barely reach the speed of sound if Hugh really pushes himself. [center][b]Weaknesses: [/b][/center] -Human: Hugh is, at his base, a human who can be shot, stabbed, choked, poisoned and everything else a normal human can die from. -Power: While his robot arm is a lot more reliable with EMP proofing and nearly limitless energy force, his Slip-Stream suit is a lot less reliable as it has no protection against EMP weapons (it can however repair itself after about ten minutes) and it need to be recharged. It can operate for 72 hours on a full charge or 12 hours if he’s running constantly. [center]Alignment: Hero…ish[/center] [center][b]Personality:[/b] Lighthearted, Overconfident, Untrusting, Friendly, Refrigerator [/center] [center][b]BRIEF Bio:[/b][/center] [hider=Public Origin] Born in the far off future of the 41st century, Hugh Chase grew up in the average Neo American family with his mother, father and sister. Hugh grew up as a straight A student and eventually made his way to the most prestigious university on the planet where he studied robotics and superhuman/alien biology. With all of these amazing feats under his belt already, Hugh decided to put his talents to use as a superhero so that he could defend the innocent. After a confrontation with an enemy called the Chrono-Master, Hugh and his base was flung back in time with Chromo-Masterwhich had him bounce around through time for a little while but eventually he defeated the fiend but was stranded in modern times. Now he defends me and you from the dastardly villains of the present day with his futuristic technology![/hider] [hider=Actual Origin] Born in the far off future of the 41st century, Hugh Chase was born to a mother who worked in the oldest profession in a post-apocolytic Earth which was conquered by Nightmares, beings who contorted darkness to their whim and stopped out any and all light in the universe. Hugh did get the highest education possible for a human and was pretty smart but his actual intelligence was pretty low compared to Earth’s interstellar rulers. When he got older, Hugh got a job as a drug pusher and was only barely able to get by in the cruel world that Earth had become. He kept his head down all his life trying to not be one of the unlucky few to be taken away by the beings but eventually he ran into a stint of bad luck and got into a scuffle with a stranger infront of the wrong people. Now Hugh was on the run and things were not looking good for him but he still had an ace up his sleeve. While exploring a few years back, Hugh had found a large machine that he theorized to be some sort of time machine though he had never had the time to look into it further. Now he had all the time in the world as was on the run and wouldn’t be distractedby his job anymore. Using his extraordinary mind, Hugh managed to fix the machine up and fling himself back in time in order to avoid death or worse in the future. After five years of being in the future, Hugh has finally set himself up well by selling himself off as a human billboard for various companies, staring in commercials and being a superhero though most commercials are cheap dog food commercials and the people he’s sponsoredby are usually little family run restaurants.[/hider] [center][b]Storylines:[/b][/center] -Paradox: Time travel sucks. Hugh finds that out after Hugh goes back in time to kill Hugh. -Insider trading: Hugh likes money so when he’s approached by a company offering him a boat load of money and a new base how can he say no? -Superhuman Rumble!: Hugh tries to bring in more fans and potential sponsors by arranging a one night only fight between the city’s most powerful heroes. -Blast from the Past: A figure from Hugh’s past makes a return. [center][b]Notes:[/b][/center] -Rush has only been active for three years. This isn’t a contradiction.[/hider]