[center][h1][color=teal]Agatha Smith[/color][/h1][b]Mess Hall, New Anchorage[/b][/center] [hr] Agatha had been amazed by the sheer determination that Stein had demonstrated. She was fairly certain that the Ace hadn't even noticed her presence as they both ran the obstacle course. Considering there was a substantial margin in their performance- 4:23 being her best time on the unfamiliar course- and in endurance, as Agatha was forced to concede before the superior endurance of her running mate about twennty minutes before she had. Not being one to waste time she had made use of her cooling off period to read up on the dossiers of her fellow pilots and a bit on the support staff. She lightly snickered to herself as she perused through her datatool. [color=teal][i] I wonder what the others will think of my dossier. [/i][/color] [center][img]http://expeditionba.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/horizontal-rule-short.png[/img][/center] Having killed several hours being given a guided tour of the facilities and watching Stein run circles around her, it was time for the new pilots first meal at New Anchorage. Luckily she had hit up the dining car on the train for lunch, since they hadn't had a chance to actually utilize the mess when they first arrived. Standing with tray in hand, having taken whatever was on offer for dinner, she moved to sit across the only other person there at the time, Ms. Kalfox. The younger woman had been silent for a while now, almost completely since they had finished the tour barring a sparse muttering under her breath, but Agatha didn't take offense from it. Her initial assumption of Stein seemed to have been validated by her dossier and their interactions with Moore, her actions and words more motivated by her own rationality rather than callousness. The silence wasn't yet at the stage of being called companionable, but she was willing to accept that Stein wouldn't be breaking it without good cause. Agatha would have left it as well, but the silence had seemed to have been shattered by another who brought with him a surprising revelation about Stein's parentage. [color=teal]"Huh, so you are Stein's father." [/color] Agatha asked the empty air. She hadn't put any thought towards the progenitor of New Anchorage's Ace, there just wasn't the time or immediate reasons to do as such. There was a vague familial resemblence, though her own daughters looked very little like their father so physical traits weren't the ultimate indicator of parentage. However, given the person that Stein has become she did question his parenting ability. After her encounter with Percy Moore, Agatha wasn't going to vocalize those concerns. In regards to Stein a dossier only covered so much, and Agatha hadn't a name to match to the face of Stein's father so she didn't know anything on him. There was a sense of validation in berating Percy for his cowardise, especially since they will going into combat together, but this man wasn't dressed or carrying himself like a pilot. The standards were different, and unlike Ana, Stein was already a grown woman and accomplished pilot so nothing would come of antagonizing him based off first impressions. Another pilot, one of the original New Anchorage pilots, sat down with them and bluntly asked the question on both their minds. [color=teal]"Well, this man here seems to be Stein's father." [/color] [color=EAC117]“Seems is oddly speculative isn’t it? I can assure you I most certainly am responsible for Stein’s existence in our world.”[/color] [color=teal]"Ah, well then I suppose we owe you our thanks for your contribution."[/color] Agatha offered amicably. His tone was surprisingly welcoming, so she endeavored to match it. [color=teal]"So do you mind if I ask what you do here in New Anchorage, Mr. Kalfox? I don't take you for a pilot, so maybe vice-commander?"[/color] [color=EAC117]“I have taken the offered position in charge of financial administration. Basically I deal with numbers and making sure that New Anchorage does not go broke. There was some other capacities I was requested to contribute towards but I’m afraid that information is confidential.”[/color] [color=teal]"Of course. Operational security is important, after all."[/color] Agatha replied with a bemused smile. He seemed like an interesting man who was in a position of signifigant power in New Anchorage, though she was still curious how someone who was so congenial could produce such a stringent child. [color=teal][i]Then again, kids don't have to emulate their parents. Individual perogative is a thing, or someone else had a greater influence on her development.[/i][/color] [color=teal]"Well if you are half as capable as your daughter, New Anchorage can rest assured it's finances are in good hands. Though please, don't let us interrupt your time with your daughter anymore." [/color] [color=EAC117]“Oh, no. That is the [i]pilots[/i] table.”[/color] He chuckled as he waved his hand, [color=EAC117]“Really, I have taken enough of your time. Enjoy your food, I have to talk with those I will be working closely with. I will talk to you later, Stein. Cheers.”[/color] [color=teal][i] What a peculiar man.[/i][/color] Agatha thought before returning to spooning up what she thought was a serving of mashed potatoes. She wondered what Stein thought of the man, but that was for another time. Answers came with time, and they still had a month till Graham was going to incite his final test which decided who was piloting and who wasn't. Agatha knew she was ready.