[color=a2d39c]”One frappuccino, one Vanilla Mocha with two shots of espresso, no whipped cream. Not paying for everyone else.”[/color] Moritz opened his mouth to protest as Raze paid for his drink, but he decided against it as Raze began to guide him out of the cafe. Moritz stumbled over his own feet at the change of momentum, a consequence of his lack of sleep, but he managed to regain his footing and keep up, the Voidling trailing behind. [color=a2d39c]”You gotta keep it together. I know this is tough and is unlike anything you’ve dealt with, but you can’t let your fears scare everyone else around you either.”[/color] Moritz dropped his eyes to the ground at that, feeling ashamed at losing control so quickly. As Raze nodded at Liam Moritz offered a small smile, and when he saw Sam the corners of his mouth turned downwards. [i]I really should have said something when she spoke to me last night.[/i] He made a note to apologize at some point before reaching the door, maneuvering around the grizzled man in the doorway. Moritz sat down at the round, metal table directly across from Raze. He tied the Voidling to the leg of his chair before leaning forward. [color=a2d39c]”Yeah, I hear the voices. I wouldn’t be surprised is every one of us heard voices.”[/color] That came as a shock to Moritz. Would Sam hear them too? What about Liam? The notion was hard to stomach. [color=a2d39c]”The truth is, I don’t deal with the voices. Hecarim is always here, always sneering and ridiculing me. Sometimes, I look into the mirror and I see his skull staring back at me...”[/color] [color=a2d39c]”I hate to say it, but I don’t think you’ll be any different. Our champions are likely going to be a part of our lives forever now...the trick isn’t avoiding them, though. The trick is mastering them. Who’s in control, you? Or Malzahar?”[/color] Raze leaned forward, his voice fierce. [color=a2d39c]”You need a goal; a purpose. We have these powers for a reason. What are you going to use your’s for?”[/color] Moritz sat quiet for a moment before he spoke in his trembling tenor. [color=92278f]"The thing is I don't think it is Malzahar speaking to me."[/color] His eyes shifted to the right as he gazed at the street lamp as he wracked his brain for the right words. [color=92278f]"I feel like when I got Malzahar's powers, I also got the dark voice that corrupted him."[/color] Lore had always been a huge part of League of Legends for him. He remembered staying up late as the download slowly ticked on just reading the champion lore. By morning he had narrowed it down to two, Ezreal and Malzahar. Something about Malzahar's background appealed to Moritz, the idea of a prophet bound for greatness slowly losing himself to a voice at the edge of his consciousness until he broke, travelled into the Shurima desert and stumbled across the ruins of Icathia. There Malzahar had become tainted with Void essence and became the Prophet of the Void. It was pretty badass when he read it, but the prospect that the same thing could be happening to him scared Moritz stiff. Moritz's eyes returned to Raze. [color=92278f]"You think that I can succeed where Malzahar failed by focusing on a goal?"[/color] He clicked his tongue in thought before exhaling. [color=92278f]"I guess that what I aim to do with my powers is rather lame, but I would like to take the fight to whoever aims to cause harm with theirs."[/color] Moritz's tired eyes glinted at the thought. [color=92278f]"Even if it is just distraction, or stopping them while others escape, I feel that is what-"[/color] He was interrupted by a sound similar to an explosion roaring through the cafe, followed by the same familiar heat as before seeming to radiate from the cafe. Moritz stood up quickly, before looking back at Raze. The dark circles under his eyes seemed to fade as his eyes filled with determination and fear. In a swift motion Moritz unclipped his Voidling and ran to enter the cafe, hoping Raze would follow him as he wrenched open the door. [@TheWinchester4] [@Leolycan] [@Kiroue]