[center][color=#8493ca][h3]Nicodem Kaminski[/h3][/color] [i][u]Location[/u]:[/i] Leaving 14 Pratchett Road, Faircourt, travelling to the Edgetoun Police Station [i][u]Interacting With[/u]: Ryan [@Write][/i] [img]http://i.imgur.com/txmcrnz.gif[/img][/center] At Ryan's mention of running the precinct, Nicodem just cocked an eyebrow. They both knew that Nicodem ran the precinct almost as much as Ryan did some days, depending on which one of them was more deeply immersed in case work at the time. With the 'Low Key' case taking such prevalence in the commissioner's thoughts at the moment, his deputy had been handing out shift assignments, signing off on pay dockets and generally doing to more boring, administrative bits of the job for a couple of weeks. Still, it was good to hear him ask out loud, if only so they both knew where they stood. Ryan's next statement was considerably less routine but somehow no less welcome. Nicodem had never made any attempt to hide his Vampiric nature from his housemate, having long suspected Ryan too was something other than human. They'd never discussed it though, Ryan never mentioning Ryan's rat hutch with accompanying syringe and Nicodem never asking how a normal human could survive on as little sleep as the commissioner seemed to. A silent, implicit agreement that the job came first, that everything else was secondary had always been present and, to be honest, Nicodem had never really thought further than that. It was... heartening to hear Ryan say, in effect, that he'd rather Nicodem left than be burned at the stake by the Helsing brigade. Not an open declaration of undying love (something neither of them were equipped to say or receive, even if they wanted to) but something you might say to a friend. He looked into Ryan's eyes, the eyes he'd always thought looked far too old and tired for one so apparently young, and said "[color=8493ca]I hear you, I understand you, I thank you. But I don't see myself leaving Edgetoun at any time in the near future. This house, on the other hand, we should both leave if we want to be at the station in time.[/color]" It took only a couple of minutes for the two of them to gather up their coats, files and other things they'd need for the day before walking out to the attached garage. Neither man had ever spent the time or money necessary to legally own a car and so instead they'd found an alternative solution; they would borrow cars from the undercover department, use them for a few days and then return them before anyone important noticed. While it might not be strictly legal, the pair reasoned that if they couldn't get to work then they'd hardly be doing any good, so better this small infraction than not help anyone at all. It also meant that every few days they came home with a new flashy car, causing many of their neighbours to suspect them of everything from car thievery to corporate sponsorship. The drive to the station was passed in silence, not least because Nicodem turned on the radio to an obscure Estonian Classical Music station and punched up the volume. Both men had much on their minds, the 'Low Key' Case, the Helsing incident and all its ramifications. It was going to be a long day.