[h3][color=004b80]Spirit the Lucario[/color], [color=007236]Tranquil Forest[/color][/h3] In almost no time at all the powerful Aura Pokemon had made his way through the forest. Tranquil Forest itself wasn't considered a Mystery Dungeon, but the Crevice within it, that was a different story. Thankfully at night the Crevice Pokemon seemed to sleep, during the day they would attack any intruders in their territory on sight, even... even children. However, too much of a ruckus could awaken them, and greatly agitate them. He had to hurry. [hr] [h3][color=004b80]Rico and Lulu, the Riolu Twins[/color], [color=007236]Tranquil Forest Crevice[/color][/h3] Rico had looked over Lulu's leg, it didn't feel broken, but it was definitely bruised up badly. Then he felt it, they both felt it. The strong presence of Aura heading their way. Dad was coming. [color=7ea7d8]"He's going to be so mad..."[/color] Said Lulu, lifting her head up to look around. A few moments passed, and soon they could hear the branches above their heads shaking. A few moments after that, a light thud, and a few footsteps. Spirit stepped out from the shadows, to the relief of the twins. [color=004b80]"Rico, you okay?"[/color] Asked Spirit. [color=0072bc]"Yeah, I'm fine, but Lulu needs some help, she's banged up pretty bad."[/color] Spirit nodded to his son, and gently picked up Lulu, holding her across his shoulder. [color=004b80]"Let's get out of here, then."[/color] Rico nodded to his father, and followed his lead as they leapt from branch to branch. Eventually they made their way out of the chasm, and just in time. The moon was setting, and the sun was beginning to peak over the horizon. [hr] [h3][color=fff79a]Valliant Village[/color][/h3] Melody was an early bird. When the sun peaked over the horizon, she would already be up, getting everything ready for the day. Her daughter and husband on the other hand... they'd prefer to sleep the morning away. She was just checking the berry supply when there was a knock at her door. She opened it and found Spirit, with Rico behind him and Lulu in his arms. [color=f49ac2]"Oh no, what happened? Wait... answer that later, just bring her inside!"[/color] The Lucario obliged, and after everyone was in, the door closed. [i]A Few Minutes Later[/i] Lulu was sound asleep now as Melody looked her over, she had used a concoction of berries to help her relax. Meanwhile, Spirit was sitting in the other room with Rico. [color=004b80]"What am I going to do with you kids... I'm proud of you though, I feel you did the right thing."[/color] Rico looked up at his dad. [color=0072bc]"I should have stayed with her though, I shouldn't have let her go alone."[/color] Spirit looked down to his son. [color=004b80]"You both learned an important lesson though. I know Lulu always tells you you need to take risks, but a good explorer knows when to weigh the risk, see if the reward is worth it."[/color] Spirit closed his eyes and continued talking. [color=004b80]"I know I'm hard on you kids, but I'm doing so for your own good. I've known about your escapades at night, heading out to the clearing. I did the same kind of thing when I was your age, to be honest."[/color] [color=0072bc]"So, you're not mad?"[/color] [color=004b80]"I'm mad, in my own way, but I'm also so proud, you now know why I always warn against going out at night."[/color] Rico had gone silent, and Spirit continued talking. [color=004b80]"At least you learned that. I feel like you two might have what it takes, and you've got some good friends to back you up here in the village... huh?"[/color] Spirit looked over to see Rico had fallen fast asleep, and he didn't blame him. He'd been up all night because of this event. Melody motioned to him, so he left Rico and headed into the next room. [color=f49ac2]"Lulu's going to be just fine, once she wakes up she'll be back to normal. She's strong, just like her father."[/color] She cracked a smile, and gently picked up Lulu, handing her to Spirit. He cradled her with one arm, and headed back to the other room. There he picked up Rico and headed to the door, with Melody following behind. [color=f49ac2]"I'll stop by the guild later to see how she's doing, just in case."[/color] Spirit nodded, and out the door he went. Spirit traveled across town, passing through the currently near empty Center Plaza, heading into the Guild. The upstairs was reserved for Spirit, his family, and personal guests, so he headed there immediately. I put the twins to bed, and headed back downstairs. Kids or not, he still had a Guild to run. Plus... after that, he thought they deserved a day off. He passed through the crew rooms making sure everyone was up. [color=004b80]"Everyone, let's go, we've got morning meetings to attend to."[/color] He headed into the main room to wait for everyone to assemble. [@Iatos] [@Polaris North] [@Noklu] [@Light Lord] [@Ninian]