[center][img]http://i1277.photobucket.com/albums/y483/BrittGirl12/Avenger%20Girl_zpsszb0xhul.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h1][color=lightblue]Radiance[/color][/h1][/center] [center][h3][color=lightblue]"Darkness shall be brought to light"[/color][/h3][/center] [center][color=lightblue][b]Archetype:[/b][/color] Demi-Goddess[/center] [center][color=lightblue][b]Name:[/b][/color] Lilitavia Va'Tarni[/center] [center][color=lightblue][b]Alias:[/b][/color] Radiance[/center] [center][color=lightblue][b]Age:[/b][/color] Real age is 350 years, but she appears to be in her late 20's[/center] [center][color=lightblue][b]Powers:[/b][/color] Light Manipulation[list] [*]Creation: Lilitavia is able to create light from the available sources given to her (the sun, headlights, lamps, etc.). Depending on the intensity of the light source, the intensity of her light can be strong or weak (the sun would be the best light source available). [*]Flight: Lilitavia is able to fly with the help of her ability to absorb light. [*]Light Solidification: Lilitavia is able to take light and transform it into a solid force. Most notable, she uses it to form a polearm that she uses as a weapon when fighting. [*]Light Attacks: Using the absorbed light, Lilitavia is able to use light in combat. Such attacks include light blasts, light daggers, light beams, etc.[/list][/center] [center][color=lightblue][b]Weaknesses:[/b][/color] Due to the nature of her powers, Lilitavia needs to be able to absorb light in order to use her abilities. If there is no light around, she is able to use her powers only if she absorbed light prior. When that light is drained, she cannot use her powers and grows weaker. If no light is absorbed for a long period of time, Lilitavia most likely will die. She is also susceptible to those with the ability to manipulate gravity or glass as both bend light.[/center] [center][color=lightblue][b]Alignment:[/b][/color] Hero[/center] [center][color=lightblue][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Captivating, Loyal, Curious, Good-natured, Mysterious[/center] [center][color=lightblue][b]BRIEF Bio:[/b][/color] Lilitavia, light-sister of the planet Lumines, didn't expect to travel to Earth. However, she didn't expect her home to be plunged into darkness. To those that don't know the story, Lumines is a planet in a far off solar system from the one Earth is in. On this planet exist a race of light users. Though they appear similar to humans, they are more light colored in skin, usually pale, white, or yellow. Their hair is either white, blonde, or grey and their eyes are almost all white. They have male and female in their species. The planet Lumines is a planet full of light. There is a constant stream of light that bathes the planet in its warm glow. There is no night or day, the species doesn't need to sleep if they continue to absorb the light. However, they are not new to conflict. A race called the Nightmares (In English) seek to expunge the light from alien homes. They have been at constant war with the Lightbringers. As was her duty, Lilitavia was trained to be a Light-Sister, a battle maiden for the Lightbringer army. However, the Nightmares came with their own plans, subterfuge and even betrayal, led to the planet being consumed with darkness. Many lost their lives as the light dimmed. Lilitavia had no choice but to flee her homeworld and leave behind everything she knew. It was then that she came crashing to Earth. At first glance, Lilitavia was frightened, but curious about where she was. One thing she had as a comfort was the orb in the sky that shined down on the new world she visited. She took comfort in the fact she was able to continue to exist thanks to this light. It was here, on Earth, that Lilitavia saw more darkness, in a different form. Evil that scourged the planet, danger that caused destruction and danger. She couldn't return home. So she had to make do with where she was, and she couldn't allow her new "home" to be plagued by this danger. Using her abilities, Lilitavia fought back against the dangers of Earth. Many who saw her assumed she was another costumed crusader in the fight against evil. She was given the name Radiance by the people she saved, and she decided to keep it. She needed a residence. It was here that she discovered New Athens and stayed.[/center] [center][color=lightblue][b]Storylines:[/b][/color] Willing to work with others to create stories[/center] [center][color=lightblue][b]Notes:[/b][/color][list] [*]Lilitavia is still very new to Earth. She hasn't quite adapted to living on Earth and there is much she needs to learn. She still has to adapt to customs, like sleeping and eating, if she hopes to continue to thrive [*]Lilitavia is one of 50 children in her family (families produce many offspring to ensure their population doesn't die, as many are lost in the struggle against the Nightmares). She lost most of her family, save for some brothers and sisters who were consumed by the Nightmares and turned into Shadows. -Shadows are what the Lightbringers turn into when consumed by the darkness. They appear as dark formed husks. [*]Lilitavia's older Sister, Lillivan, is one of the few Lightbringers to betray their race and help the Nightmares. -Nightmares look like humans as well, except their skin is black or purple and they have black or blue hair and red eyes. They are able to use darkness to their advantage. [/list][/center]