[h3][color=faeba2]Celty the Mawile[/color][/h3][b][Valiant Village - Spirit's Guild][/b] [@Iatos][@Polaris North][@Noklu][@Shiny Keldeo][@Light Lord] Celty had followed both the Chimchar and the Zorua to the Guild. She greatly appreciated the fact that they seemed to be allowing her to stay the night. Looking over the spare rooms, she clasped her hands together with a smile. At the mention of food she nodded somewhat before speaking, [color=faeba2]"I did have one to stave over my hunger, but I'm sure another wouldn't hurt. As long as you're offering, anyway."[/color] When Zaru returned, Celty took one of the pro-offered apples, and began to casually munch on it. The previous apple incident with Dylan returned to the forefront of her thoughts. It was clear something was different about the Mudkip, as it was obvious that the Pokémon was having some issues with gross motorskills. With furrowed brows, the Mawile thought to herself, [i][color=faeba2]How could someone abandon such a troubled child...?[/color][/i] After the introductions, Celty smiled, nodding. [color=faeba2]"It's good to meet everyone. I really appreciate the room tonight and food. It helps, a lot."[/color] When Zaru asked the important question, Celty blinked a few times at Devon's odd response. Contemplating it for a moment, she glanced in a nonspecific direction before replying herself, [color=faeba2]"I'm from Seelie Village. If you're not familiar with it, it's full of Fairy-type Pokémon and it's nestled into a valley."[/color] Finally, the Mawile whipped her head around to face the Totodile. [color=faeba2]"So... wait. Back up a moment Devon. You actually don't remember anything? Like... what happened with your parents? Is abandoning your children a common thing over here, or what?"[/color] The idea of several parents just up and leaving their children thoroughly frustrated and upset Celty. She hadn't visited many places other than Seelie. Perhaps fairies were just super protective of their offspring? Would that make Spirit an outlier? Speaking of which, Spirit had made his way back, and was already waking everyone up. Furrowing her brows as she took another bite of the apple, she thought to herself, [color=faeba2][i]Morning meetings...? I sure hope he's not expecting [/i]me[i] to attend. I haven't slept in... 48 hours? It's been a while...[/i][/color]