Kenneth listened to the woman make her case again. Or at least he pretended to... All the while he was looking for what would be the best angle of attack. The woman might only have a pipe pistol at the close range where she was standing, but Kenneth hadn't survived this long underestimating a dangerous situation for even a moment. "Well missy... you're incorrect. I'm not taking everything, hell, I'm not even taking most of the food. What I am 'reposessing' are explosives, munitions, weaponry... You know... things we can use to overthrow the brotherhood. Hell, give him your own rations if you're so hell-bent on being a goody two-shoes." The earlier playfulness was gone from Kenneth's voice. He was in full on survivor mode right now. If the woman were to make any movement that implied she was about to shoot, he would shoot at her gun hand while weaving behind the dolyak. The poor animal would provide poor cover, but it was better than nothing.