[@Starfall] [i]Things were getting hairy now. This was where the adventurers were determined to reach Darko or not. It would be brutally clear that for as long as the Magna Pater stalked them, little progress would be made. The rock shattered against the monster and an instant later the shadow hand had crashed into it. The Magna Pater was, ultimately, one hell of a slippery bastard though. One that could confound the senses of those that saw without sight and used sound to navigate. Its gutteral, ultrasonic frequencies would fragment Eleanor's ability to hear it, and the sound waves would displace the air that made contact with her skin, effectively rendering the timeless demon as a ghost. It would be like trying to catch an agile moth without a net. Though its left wing and several ribs had been busted by the returned rock, it could still manouver around as easily as a hawk. Though any lesser creature would have still been reeling from the boulder, the monster twisted in the air and the tail would lash out like a coiled spring at the palm of the hand, using the striking speed to magnify the acceleration of the projectile escape in such a way that the quick-witted "Primeval" would jettison out betwixt the gap between the forefinger and thumb, striking the ground a split second later and tumbling wildly in the wake of the lightspeed bullet's afterwind. A short reprieve before it would again blur after its prey, the innumerable fallen ghouls serving as a magnificent source of nigh invincibility for the elder horror as it simultaneously ate, ran, and dodged. The more death and gore there was, the harder the Magna Pater was to kill. In this accursed forest of nonstop violence, it might as well have been a minor god.[/i]